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EU COMMISSION LETTER - click to download PDF |
BACBI Culture Newsletter N°82 (Winter 2024) |
Plus de 500 artistes belges lancent un appel au boycott des institutions culturelles israéliennes Boycotter la culture israélienne pour soutenir les Palestiniens : en cette journée de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien, un collectif d’artistes belges lance un appel au boycott des institutions culturelles israéliennes. Et ils sont déjà plus de 500, du monde du théâtre, de la danse, du cinéma ou de la musique à avoir signé une tribune de soutien au peuple palestinien. Parmi eux, des grands noms comme Baloji, Jaco van Dormael ou Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. continue ... |
Together we are ending this genocide! BDS impacts in the second half of 2024 As painful and devastating as the ongoing massacres are, the failure of Israel’s live-streamed genocide to force Palestinians to surrender, compounded with its fast growing worldwide isolation, is a sign that its 76-year-old regime of settler-colonialism and apartheid is shaking, and we are closer to liberation. With miraculous steadfastness and determination, the Palestinian people continue to fight for justice, liberation, and our inalienable rights. continue ... |
La Palestine en souffrance : des professionnel.le.s lèvent la voix
Nous, professionnel.le.s francophones de la santé mentale, du soin, et de l’accompagnement psycho-social interpellons nos organisations professionnelles, toute autorité compétente et l’opinion publique en général sur la situation catastrophique qui affecte les populations palestiniennes, et plus récemment les populations libanaises, notamment les enfants. Nous nous inquiétons sur les répercussions à court, moyen et long terme que cette catastrophe risque fortement de provoquer. continue ...
PalestinaMuseum vzw
We zijn een organisatie die door het houden van tijdelijke tentoonstellingen in bestaande cultuurhuizen het publiek wil informeren over de geschiedenis en cultuur van Palestina. Op lange termijn willen we een Palestina museum in België oprichten. Het zal een museum, documentatiecentrum, herdenkingsplaats en gemeenschapscentrum worden waar bezoekers en Palestijnen elkaar kunnen ontmoeten en informeren. De kernwaarden zijn respect voor mensen, feiten en cultuur. Dit in samenwerking met andere instellingen en musea in de wereld die het verhaal brengen over Palestina. continue ...
Campagne "Niet In Mijn Naam"
Palestina en laGeste laGeste focust op lichaam, dans en inclusie in de vorm van creaties, residenties en workshops. Nieuwsbrief december 2024 Beste lezer, Hoe schizofreen! Terwijl wij binnen de muren een tedere voorstelling maken over aanraking in een inclusieve wereld - O amor natural van Andrew Graham - moeten we machteloos toekijken op het disproportionele geweld van Israël, of het nu in Gaza is, in Libanon of in Syrië. Het gaat maar door. Ongelimiteerd. Hoe lang wordt dat gedrag nog getolereerd ? Wij hebben maar één wens voor 2025. Dat aan dat geweld een einde komt. continue ... |
Anti-Palestinian repression in the art world A wave of anti-Palestinian repression has swept the Western art world in the aftermath of October 7th, 2023. From Amsterdam to San Francisco, artists who have criticized Israel’s brutal war on Gaza have seen their exhibitions canceled, their work deinstalled, and other opportunities rescinded. continue... Kulturkolonialkrieg gegen Palästina: In Deutschland werden die Stimmen der Unterdrückten zum Schweigen gebracht – mit verheerenden Folgen. continue... |
Comment documenter l’histoire de Gaza, son patrimoine et ses œuvres d’art détruits par la guerre ? Le projet Gaza Histoire est une initiative qui mobilise une équipe d’historiens, archéologues, politistes, géographes et sociologues mettant à profit leurs expertises respectives pour faire l’inventaire du patrimoine culturel détruit ou endommagé par la guerre génocidaire qui anéanti Gaza. continue... |
Een boek over de gezichten en stemmen van Gaza, over de sensatie van een glas drinkbaar water, over zingen als verzet en woorden als enige pijnstiller. continue ...
For READ PALESTINE WEEK (Nov. 29-December 5) 2024, we are releasing a new publication, And Still We Write: Recent work by Palestinian poets & actions you can take to stop genocide now. Publishers for Palestine have come together to create this free booklet of poetry, prose, artwork, and resources for action, now available for online dissemination and coming in print. Please read and share as widely as you please ! continue ...
In her latest book, the novelist and essayist considers the use of fiction and literary criticism in times of war and conflict continue ...
'Make Freedom Ring' A classical musicians' collective for Palestinian freedom As the situation in Gaza deteriorates further, we continue to bring people together in support of relief efforts and humanitarian aid for Palestinian children. On December 16th, we present a concert at the KühlhausBerlin. This time, our artists Michael Barenboim, Raúl da Costa, Candice Breitz, and more. Full programme to come soon. continue ... |
No Other Land, filmer pour résister Basel Adra and Yval Abraham. Voorstellingen: Imagix Tournai 17-12 à 19h en Lumière-Antwerpen 17-12 om 17u. continue ... |
Gaza “has become a graveyard for children,” UNICEF says The children’s agency stated, “Day after day, week after week for nearly 14 months now, Gaza has been nothing short of hell on earth. No child should have to endure such atrocities and carnage, and no parent should have to bury their child.” “Gaza has become a graveyard for children and families,” UNICEF added. “The overall humanitarian response in Gaza is teetering on the brink of full collapse. The lives of virtually all children are at risk or have been shattered by unimaginable trauma, loss and deprivation. Their safety and access to essential humanitarian aid are not being facilitated as explicitly demanded by international law.” continue ... |
Of Land and Bread – Projection soutien 18-12-2024 Galerie de la Reine Bruxelles On est très heureux de vous annoncer la projection du film Of land and bread réalisé par Ehab Tarabieh et produit par B’tselem, le 18 décembre à 18h30. La projection sera suivie d’un dîner à prix libre (vegan) organisé par la Cantine 100 dal. Cet évènement a pour objectif de soutenir quatre cagnottes de personnes bloquées à Gaza. Moataz , Yazan, Amjad et Zain vivent actuellement les répercussions des politiques coloniales occidentales, qui tous les jours lacèrent des populations civiles. continue ... |
Amnesty International investigation concludes Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza Amnesty International’s research has found sufficient basis to conclude that Israel has committed and is continuing to commit genocide against Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip, the organization said in a landmark new report published today. The report, ‘You Feel Like You Are Subhuman’: Israel’s Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza, documents how, during its military offensive launched in the wake of the deadly Hamas-led attacks in southern Israel on 7 October 2023, Israel has unleashed hell and destruction on Palestinians in Gaza brazenly, continuously and with total impunity. continue ... Stop de genocide in Gaza ! Petitie : continue ... |
Pourquoi Israël pense-t-il avoir gagné en Syrie ? L’implication d’Israël dans la chute d’Assad ne fait pas l’ombre d’un doute. Echanges de bons procédés entre les rebelles syriens et Tel-Aviv ? Les nouvelles autorités à Damas semblent vouloir la paix avec l’Etat colonial. Ce dernier a déjà profité des événements pour mener une campagne de bombardements sur le territoire syrien et en a annexé une partie. continue ... Gideon Levy Exposes Israeli "Barbarism" - Israel's most courageous journalist on Israel's crimes |
Q&A with UN-Mandated Experts: Human Rights Violations in Gaza and the Occupied Palestinian Territory |
CHOOSE LIGHT PROJECT (nog te bevestigen) 18 januari Ancienne Belgique: ‘Choose Light’ event met muzikale en andere interventies. “ Wij kiezen de kant van het licht, de kant van het internationaal recht en van mensenrechten voor iedereen. En wij kiezen kant tegen etnische zuivering en genocide.” Organisatie van AB en 11.11.11 |
26/01/2025 BRUSSELS NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION Stop genocide. Sanctions now! |
Mailing address: BACBI, Prevost Delaunaysquare 103 , Schaarbeek, Brussels, 1030, BE
"Why Do Children in Gaza Write Their Names on Their
(The Palestine Chronicle, Oct 19, 2023).
"Israeli airstrikes kill at least 140 Palestinian
children in Gaza"
(DCI-P, Oct 12, 2023).
Maureen Clare MURPHY:
"Israel kills six Palestinians in West Bank and
(EI, 20 Sept, 2023).
- Maureen Clare MURPHY:
"Israeli forces kill two in Aqbat Jabr camp"
(EI, 15 August, 2023).
- DCI-P:
"Israeli forces kill, withhold body of 15-year-old
Palestinian boy"
(DCI-P, August 2, 2023).
"Israeli Forces Kill Two Palestinian Teenagers"
(teleSUR, 21 July 2023).
- DCI-P:
"Israeli forces blind 3 Palestinian children with live
ammunition, stun grenade"
(DCI-P, 20 July, 2023).
"Israel seeks revenge with Jenin invasion"
(EI, 3 July, 2023).
- Amira HASS:
"Adam, Fuad, Abdullah, Omar: The 28 Palestinian Kids
Killed by Israeli Forces This Year"
(Haaretz, 12 June 2023).
- Tamara NASSAR:
"Israel kills municipal worker, resistance fighters in
Balata refugee camp"
(EI, 22 May 2023).
"Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Child, Injure Two
Young Men, In Refugee Camp In Jericho"
(IMEMC, April 10, 2023).
- Maureen Clare MURPHY:
"Israeli death squad kills four in Jenin"
(EI, 16 March, 2023).
"Teen among four Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in
West Bank raids"
(Middle East Eye, 9 March, 2023).
"2023 Huwara rampage"
(Wikipedia, 3 March, 2023).
- Maureen Clare MURPHY:
"Israel kills 11 in daytime raid on Nablus"
(The Electronic Intifada, 22 Feb 2023).
- Tamara NASSAR:
"Israel kills another child in the West Bank"
(The Electronic Intifada, 9 Feb 2023).
"Un assassinat par jour : c’est ça le colonialisme
israélien que nous devons combattre !"
(CAPJPO-Europalestine, 17 janvier, 2023).
Tamara NASSAR:
"Israel kills three children as 2023 dawns"
(The Electronic Intifada, 5 January, 2023).
"Invading Israeli forces assassinate 5 more
Palestinians in two days, including 16-yr-old"
(Israel-Palestine News, Dec 8, 2022).
"Israel soldier executes Palestinian youth in cold blood
(MEMo, Dec 2, 2022).
Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC:
"A Palestinian Boy Went Out With Friends. An Israeli
Soldier Shot Him in the Head"
(Haaretz, Oct 15, 2022).
- Yumna PATEL & Mariam BARGHOUTI:
"Israeli forces kill four Palestinians in occupied West
Bank, including two brothers"
(Mondoweiss, Nov 29, 2022).
Motasem A DALLOUL:
"Who's going to stop the madness of extremist ministers
of next Israeli government? "
(Haaretz, Nov 11, 2022).
"14-year-old Among Two Palestinian Teens Killed Within
Hours of Each Other by IDF Fire in West Bank"
(Haaretz, Nov 11, 2022).
- Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC:
"This Palestinian Teen Was Shot Twice, Cuffed and
Detained by Israeli Troops – Then Released"
(Haaretz, Sept 2, 2022).
"Invading Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian photographing
them, Injure 17 in Jenin"
(Israel-Palestine News, Sept 6, 2022).
- Defense for Children International-Palestine:
"Israeli settler, soldier shoot and kill Palestinian
(DCIP, August 1, 2022).
- Tamara NASSAR:
"Israeli forces kill fleeing Palestinian child"
(EI, 6 July, 2022).
- Maureen Clare MURPHY:
"Israel executes three Palestinians in Jenin"
(The Electronic Intifada, June 18, 2022).
"Thirteen Palestinian children killed in the West
Bank since January 2022"
(UNICEF, May 29, 2022).
"Israeli forces use Palestinian girl as a human
shield in Jenin"
(Defense for Children
International-Palestine, May 19, 2022).
Shatha HAMMAD:
"Israeli forces fatally shoot two young
Palestinians in occupied West Bank"
(Middle East Eye, April 13,
"Israel kills Palestinian boy in Jenin raid"
(MEMo, March 31, 2022).
Staat van Beleg:
" Israëlische Schendingen februari 2022 "
(7 maart 2022).
- Jesse Rosenfeld, Oren Ziv & Ahmad Al-Bazz :
"Triple West Bank assassination recalls
darkest days of the Intifada"
(+972, Feb 15, 2022).
Jack Khoury & Yaniv Kubovich:
"Man Killed by Israeli Fire Near Ramallah,
Palestinian Health Ministry Says"
(Haaretz, Feb 15,
"Israel’ Issues 1595 Administrative
Detention Orders Against Palestinians In 2021"
Jan 2, 2022).
"Israel a tué 357 Palestiniens, dont
79 enfants et 69 femmes en 2021 "
2 janvier 2022).
Gideon LEVY:
"A Brief History of Killing
Children "
Haaretz, Nov
20, 2021).
Allison WEIR:
"Israeli forces have killed 39
Palestinian men, women, & children since May"
(Israel-Palestine News, Oct 19, 2021).
"Israel settlers open fire on
Palestine homes in West Bank"
East Monitor, September 11, 2021).
Gideon LEVY: "Yes, the Palestinian
Prison Escapees Are Freedom Fighters” (Haaretz, Sept 9, 2021; archive.today).
news: Six Palestinian political prisoners liberate
themselves from colonial Israeli prison” (Samidoun, Sept 5, 2021).
troops kill Palestinian teen in West Bank
clash” (Middle East Eye,
July 24, 2021).
Tamara NASSAR: "Israeli
gunfire takes lives of two more Palestinian
teens” (+972, July 15,
Yuval ABRAHAM: "Joint
militias: How settlers and soldiers teamed up to kill
four Palestinians” (+972,
July 15, 2021).
boy loses eye after Israel soldiers shoot him”
(Middle East Monitor, April 12, 2021).
Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "Palestinians
Protested the Theft of Their Land. An Israeli Army
Officer Shot One of Them in the Head” (Haaretz, March 26, 2021).
to displace 1,550 Palestinians to build park in
Jerusalem” (MEMo, March 18,
de l’exécution d’un Palestinien qui ne constituait
aucune menace”
(EuroPalestine, 27 février, 2021).
Mairav ZONSZEIN: "Vaccination
Under Occupation” (Jewish
Currents, 12 Jan, 2021).
Orly NOY: "Why
B’Tselem is calling Israel an apartheid regime, from the
river to the sea”
(Mondoweiss, 12 Jan, 2021).
Palestinian man shot by Israeli soldiers dies of his
wounds” (Israel Palestine
News, Dec 11, 2020).
Israeli ambassador in Britain describes Nakba as 'Arab
lie'” (Middle East Monitor,
Dec 8, 2020).
settlers flood Palestinian farmland with
sewage” (Middle East
Monitor, Oct 19, 2020).
Ahmad MELHEM: "Family
of Palestinian boy disfigured in 2015 firebomb attack
still seeking justice”
(Al-Monitor, Sept 20, 2020).
Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Palestinian
child shot by Israel dies in detention.” (The Electronic Intifada, August 21,
Yumna PATEL: "Young
Palestinian woman killed by Israeli forces in
23-year-old Dalia Samoudi is the 24th Palestinian to be
killed by
Israeli forces in the occupied Palestinian territories
this year (Mondoweiss, August 7,
Soldiers Demolish Under-Construction Covid-19 Testing
Center in Hebron” (IMEMC,
July 21 2020).
of Slain Palestinian: “My Son Was A Child In A Man’s
Body”" (IMEMC, June
31 2020).
Sondos SALEH: "Mustafa
Went to Tel Aviv for Hospital Tests. He Was Shot
Dead" (Haaretz, May 19,
Jonathan OFIR: "Slapping
Israeli Apartheid — the sentencing of Yifat Doron"
(Mondoweiss, May 15, 2020).
politieman schiet Palestijnse jongen kogel in het
gezicht" (The Rights
Forum, 18 feb, 2020).
Jonathan OFIR: "Getting
away with murder: Why Israeli police left Bedouin
teacher to bleed to death in 2017."
Some murder cases are so full of lies, that every attempt
to hide them
from public view only brings more attention to the crime.
Such is the
case of the extrajudicial execution three years ago of
Israeli Bedouin
citizen Yaqub Mousa Abu al-Qia’an.
(Mondoweiss, March 1, 2020).
Amira HASS: "The
Trump Plan’s Vision for the Palestinians: Israel’s
Security Slave."
Direct lines can be seen between the ‘deal of the
century,’ the Oslo
Accords and their fraudulent implementation, which led to
the creation
of separate Palestinian enclaves.
(Haaretz, Jan 31, 2020).
Israel soldiers ‘wantonly’ shoot Palestinian
(Palestine Post24, Dec 18, 2019).
count? Israel killed 43 Palestinians in November"
(If Americans Knew, Dec 5, 2019).
Jonathan COOK: "Israel
prepares to turn Bedouin citizens into refugees in their
own country"
(Mondoweiss, Oct 16, 2019).
A. Daniel ROTH: "Each
morning brings the fear of losing everything"
(+972, Aug 25, 2019).
Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "The
Protest Dispersed. Then an Israeli Sniper Shot a
9-year-old Boy in the Head"
(Haaretz, July 20, 2019, via IAK).
Entsar ABU JAHAL: "Plenty
of fish in Gaza sea, but not for Palestinians"
(Al-Monitor, June 14, 2019).
Myriam DEPREZ: "Susiya:
The build-and-destroy dance of Israel’s demolitions"
(Middle East Monitor, May 10, 2019).
OCHA (oPt), Child labour
increasing in Gaza"
(OCHA - Monthly Humanitarian
Bulletin, April 2019, May 14, 2019).
Netta AHITUV, "Endless
trip to hell': Israel jails hundreds of Palestinian boys
a year. These are their testimonies"
(Breaking the Silence via Haaretz,
March 16, 2019).
Tamara NASSAR: "Israel’s
war on its Palestinian citizens"
(The Internet Intifada, 26 Feb,
Gideon LEVY: "In
Land of Illegal Outposts and Hate Crimes, Another
Palestinian Life Claimed"
(Haaretz, Jan 27, 2019).
Crimes against Humanity: Israel killed at least 45
Palestinian children in Gaza"
(Ma'an News Agency, Jan 19, 2019).
Yumna PATEL: "‘Waging
War on Shufat’: Jerusalem municipality demolishes 21
businesses in East Jerusalem refugee camp"
(Mondoweiss, Nov 22, 2018).
Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Israeli
soldier executed Gaza teen at close range: witness"
(The Electronic Intifada, Oct 13,
2018 report: 378 Palestinians arrested as Khader Adnan,
Omran al-Khatib continue hunger strikes"
(Samidoun, Oct 11, 2018).
Protest Planned Demolition of Khan al-Ahmar"
(Telesur, July 28, 2018).
Yumna PATEL: "Israeli
forces kill 15-year-old Palestinian in refugee camp
(Mondoweiss, July 23, 2018).
Amira HASS: "Night
raids and attack dogs: For West Bank Palestinians, their
homes are not their castles"
(Haaretz, June 17, 2018).
Neve GORDON: "Gaza's
Passover massacre"
(Al-Jazeera, April 1, 2018)
killed 3 Palestinian civilians, injured 500, in first
half of March"
(Middle East Monitor, March 16)
Omar KARMI: “Gaza in a
(The Electronic Intifada, Feb 13,
Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: “Like a Safari:
Israeli Troops in Jeeps Hunt a Palestinian Teen
and Shoot Him in the Head”
(Haaretz, Feb 9, 2018, now freely
available via: If Americans Knew).
Amira HASS: "On the Margins of the
Murder”, (Haaretz, Nov 12, 2017):
forces detain 11 Palestinians, including 4 minors,
in overnight raids"
(Ma'an, March 29, 2017).
Amira HASS: "Israeli
Settlers Kill a Sheep in Latest Escalation in Jordan
Valley, Palestinians Say"
(Haaretz, Feb 18, 2017).
aims to ‘Judaize’ historical Bethlehem village"
(Middle East Monitor, Jan 13,
Nasouh NAZZAL: "Israel’s
pesticide war on Gazan farmers"
(Gulf News Palestine, Dec 26,
Emily MULDER: "Israeli
guard: 'Go from this land or I will kill you'"
(Al Jazeera, Dec 26, 2016).
six-year-old Palestinian girl killed after being run
over by Israeli settler"
(Middle East Children Alliance,
Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "In
Some of the Israeli Army's Raids, Leaving
Empty-handed Is Not an Option"
(Haaretz, Aug 27, 2016).
settlers attack Palestinian girl in Ramallah, stab
and kill her sheep"
(Ma'an, Aug 5, 2016).
enfant palestinien [de 12 ans] tué par des soldats
(Libération, 19 juillet 2016).
Kit O'CONNELL: "Israel
Cutting Palestinians Off From Their Own Water
(MintPress News, June 30, 2016).
Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Child Near Ramallah"
(IMEMC, June 21, 2016).
Edo KONRAD: "Tel
Aviv mayor says the occupation is a cause of
Palestinian terror"
(+972, June 9, 2016).
being shot three days ago by IOF, Palestinian youth
dies from injuries"
(Palestinian Information Center,
June 6, 2016).
Palestine PMO:
Israel’s destruction of Palestinian water
infrastructure is atrocious
(Palestine News Network, May 26,
Again, settlers
burn Palestinian farms in West Bank
(Days of Palestine, May 16,
Michal ZAK: "Third
intifada, terror wave, the 'situation': Just don't
mention the 'O' word to Israelis"
(Middle East Eye, March 13,
Jon QUEALLY: "Brother
and Sister, Children Aged 10 and 6, Killed by
Israeli Bombing in Gaza"
(Common Dreams, March 13, 2016).
Jonathan COOK: "Aid
subversion report makes for shocking reading"
(The National, March 7, 2016).
meisje van 13 geëxecuteerd"
(alexandrina.nl, 23 jan, 2016).
decries Abu Nuwar demolitions, calls for immediate
end to planned transfers"
(Medical Aid for Palestinians,
MAP, Jan 20, 2016).
Julie PUTSEYS: "Palestijnse
empowerment op Israëlische scholen." Geen
gelijke kansen zonder evenwaardig onderwijs. Zo denkt
de Arabisch-Israëlische professor Dalia Fadila er
alleszins over. (MO*, 10 Jan
Uri SAVIR: "Why
solving Israel-Palestine conflict is still key for
regional stability"
(Al-Monitor, Jan 3, 2016).
road to hell is paved with 'national security'".
is turning the West’s fixation on the Islamic State
group into an
opportunity to expand its apartheid laws and
militarisation of the West
Bank (Middle East Eye, Jan 1, 2016).
Mazal MUALEM: "'Hate
wedding' video offers glimpse at Jewish terror"
(Al-Monitor, Dec 28, 2015).
Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Catastrophe
for Syrians and Palestinians alike in war-ravaged
(The Electronic Intifada, Dec 23,
Shlomi ELDAR: "Why
the US is part of Middle East problem, not the
solution". Interview with
Ayman Odeh (Al-Monitor, Dec 14, 2015).
Philip WEISS: "Obama’s
ISIS czar says we can’t defeat extremism without
resolving Palestinian issue"
(Mondoweiss, Dec 14, 2015).
Uri SAVIR: "How
the Islamic State hurts Palestinian cause"
(Al-Monitor, Dec 6, 2015).
Al Jazeera: "Gaza's
crumbling healthcare system"
(Yahoo.com, Dec 8, 2015).
Nurit CANETTI: "The
radicalization of Israel"
(Al-Monitor, Dec 2, 2015).
Kate: "Prominent
Israeli settler runs over 16-year-old girl, then
shoots her dead"
(Mondoweiss, Nov 23, 2015).
Gideon LEVY: "So
These Are Israel's New Heroes?"
recent military operations in Palestinian hospitals
are a blatant
violation of the Geneva Convention, and make you
wonder how low the
country can sink (Haaretz, Nov 21, 2015).
Philip WEISS: "The
best way for Americans to defeat the Islamic state
is to end support for Jewish nationalism"
(Mondoweiss, Nov 15, 2015).
Ahmed MOOR: "The
Problem of Palestine is Zionism"
(Fair Observer, Nov 11, 2015).
Miko PELED: "Zionism
is racism: Notes from Tel-Rumeida, Hebron,
(American Herald Tribune, Nov 13,
Megan HANNA: "‘It
Has Become A Prison’: The ghettoization of
(Mondoweiss, Nov 11, 2015).
Avigail ABARBANEL: "Netanyahu’s
craziness is calculated, to drive out
(Mondoweiss, Nov 5, 2015).
jeunesse palestinienne à couteaux tirés avec
(Orient XXI, 15 Oct 2015).
Kamel HAWWASH: "Palestinians
have a problem with occupiers not (with) Jews"
(MEMO, Oct 30, 2015).
baby vermoord met traangas"
(Alexandrina, Oct 31, 2015).
Ali ABUNIMAH: "Israel’s
executions of Palestinian teens must end, Amnesty
(The Electronic Intifada, Oct 28,
Killian REDDEN: "Hebron
at eye of the storm as death toll rises"
(Ma'an News Agency, Oct 26,
Shamelessly Exploits the Shoah to Stoke Fear of
(Jewish Voice for Peace, Oct 21,
Amos GVIRTZ: "From
Unilateral- to Bilateral War - or: How the
Palestinians Fight to Prevent Being Expelled From
the Country"
(Occupation Magazine, Oct 20,
Noam SHEIZAF: "Jerusalem,
in context"
October 19, 2015). "The current events in Jerusalem
have a political
history and context. Attempts to attribute the
violence to some kind of
Palestinian pathology while ignoring other factors
is a recipe for
making things worse."
Meron RAPOPORT: "The
paradox of Jerusalem"
(Middle East Eye, October 17,
Amira HASS: "Fodder
for the Next Shin Bet 'Shooting and Crying'
forces spent eight hours blowing up a Palestinian
family's house piece
by piece, all to arrest a wanted man - who turned
out to be so dangerous
that they released him two days later" (Haaretz,
September 8, 2015).
Ali ABUNIMAH: "Palestinians
worse off than ever as settler numbers soar, says
(The Electronic Intifada, 2015).
Robert ROSS: "One
year later, Gaza is still in crisis"
(Mondoweiss, August 26, 2015).
Bradley BURSTON: "It’s
time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is:
"I used to be one of those people who took issue
with the label of
apartheid as applied to Israel. Not anymore"
(Medium.com: Haaretz,
August 17, 2015).
- Kelly LYNN: "Israeli
army night raids spread fear in West Bank."
"Night raids, a common tactic in the occupied West
Bank, are used to
intimidate the Palestinian community, residents
say." (aljazeera.com,
August 15, 2015).
- Gideon LEVY: "Mohammed
Allaan’s Blood Is on Our Hands".
"A state in whose prisons hundreds of people are
confined without trial
is not a democracy, and all the excuses about
'security' will not help"
(Haaretz, August 16, 2015).
- Daoud KUTTAB: "Israelis
lean right toward one-state solution"
(Al Monitor, August 10, 2015).
- Kanya D'ALMEIDA: "Settlement
Expansion Largely Responsible for Violence in
Occupied West Bank"
(IPS, August 12, 2015).
- Noam SHEIZAF: "No
way to defeat Jewish terrorism without ending the
(+972, August 2, 2015).
- Susan ABULHAWA: "Brand
Israel pretends the burning of a Palestinian baby is
the act of extremists"
(Middle East Eye, August 2,
- Shahd ABUSALAMA: "The
burning of a Palestinian child: not an exception,
but a result of Zionism"
(Mondoweiss, August 1, 2015).
- "Expert
Q&A: Killing with Impunity, Israel’s Two-Tiered
Legal System"
(IMEU - Institute for Middle
East Understanding, July 22, 2015).
- Ada FERRANT: "Zionistische
gruwelen in Beit Hanoun"
(Alexandrina.nl, July 19, 2015).
- Ali ABUNIMAH: "Israeli
colonel killed Palestinian teen as he ran away"
(The Electronic Intifada, 9
July, 2015).
- "During
the past three months: Israel killed 12, injured 300
and arrested over 1.100 Palestinians"
(Palestine News Network, July 2,
- Noam SHEIZAF: "A
most moral occupation: Keeping the prisoners in
(+972, June 29, 2015).
- Laith SHAKIR: "How
Israel Weaponized Water"
(Counterpunch, June 30, 2015).
- Amira HASS: "In
Israel, we walk amongst killers and torturers "
(Haaretz, June 22, 2015).
- Kate GOULD: "In
letter to John Kerry, 19 reps stand up for
Palestinian children behind bars"
(Mondoweiss, June 24, 2015).
- "Israeli
settlers chop down 70 olive trees in Salfit,
Nablus": (Ma'an News
Agency, June 22, 2015).
- Ben WHITE: "Israel’s
obsession with hummus is about more than stealing
Palestine’s food": (The
National, May 23, 2015).
- Bradley BURSTON: "A
Special Place In Hell":
"News Flash: We were all wrong. Israel is perfect,
after all. Moral: Criticize at your peril" (Haaretz,
June 9, 2015).
- "Soldiers
Expel Palestinians from Pool in Area A to Enable
Settlers to Bathe Undisturbed"
(B'Tselem, The Israeli
Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied
Territories, June 7, 2015).
- Akiva ELDAR: "Israeli
leadership ignores international warning signs"
(Al Monitor, June 1, 2015).
- Yehuda SHAUL: "Conflict
in Gaza is all part of Israel’s indirect system of
control over Palestinians "
(New Statesman, May 26, 2015).
- Uri AVNERY: "Who
will save Israel?"
(Gush Shalom, May 23, 2015).
- Asa WINSTANLEY: "Hamas
is keeping ISIS at bay in Gaza"
(Middle East Monitor, May 16,
- Marjan CLAES: "De
ruïnes van Palestina"
(MO*, 15 mei 2015).
- Vacy VLAZNA: "The
Nakba: Israel’s Catastrophe"
(The Palestine Chronicle, May
12, 2015).
- John BROWN*: "Next
head of 'Civil Administration' said Palestinians are
(+972, May 8, 2015; * John Brown is the pseudonym of
an Israeli
academic and a blogger on +972′s Hebrew site, Local
Call, where a
version of this article was first published in
- Akiva ELDAR: "Bennett
to advance Judaism, not democracy, in education
(Al Monitor, May 4, 2015).
- Uri SAVIR: "How
Bibi uses settlements to block Palestinian
(Jonathan Cook - The Blog from
Nazareth, April 26, 2015).
- Jonathan COOK: "Professors
for Israel try to shut down Lancet"
(Jonathan Cook - The Blog from
Nazareth, April 24, 2015).
- Ramzy BAROUD: "Stuck
in Area A: How We Were Duped into Disowning the
(The Palestine Chronicle, April
22, 2015).
- Uri AVNERY: "There
Are Still Judges..."
[On the anti-boycott law] (April
18, 2015).
- Talal ASAD: "Pourquoi
est-ce que je soutiens le mouvement de boycott,
désinvestissement et sanctions ?"
(AURDIP, 13 avril, 2015).
- Robert COHEN: "There
is no better way than boycott"
(Mondoweiss, April 12, 2015).
- "Nearly
200 Palestinian children in Israeli jails"
(Ma'an News Agency, April 1,
- Ester GARAU & Stephanie WESTBROOK: "Mainstreaming
BDS in Italy"
(Mondoweiss, April 1, 2015).
- Sam BAHOUR & Fida JIRYIS: "Why
Land Day stil matters"
(972+, March 30, 2014).
vie désastreuse des étudiants enfermés dans les
prisons israéliennes »
(AURDIP, 21 mars 2015).