Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel!


The World in Action

Recognise Palestine!

Already 1,620,420 have signed (21 Oct). Let's get to 2,000,000!

We urge you to recognise Palestine as a sovereign state and reaffirm the rights of the Palestinian people.
It is time to turn the tide on decades of suffering and failed peace talks, end the occupation, and move towards lasting peace.

Al-HAQ , Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) call on all States and international organisations to act without delay and take immediate, effective measures to ensure the full implementation of this resolution and the ICJ Advisory Opinion, put an end to the ongoing genocide in Gaza, and dismantle Israel’s settler-colonial apartheid regime against the Palestinian people as a whole.
The international community can no longer afford to turn a blind eye to Israel’s systemic violations of international law and the rights of the Palestinian people. Etc.

« States Must Enforce UNGA Resolution by Imposing Sanctions and Military Embargo to End Israel’s Unlawful Occupation »

On 18 September 2024, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/ES-10/24 demanding, inter alia, that Israel “brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence” in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) within no later than 12 months. This demand aligns with the findings of the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) Advisory Opinion, Legal Consequences Arising From the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, concluding that “Israel’s continued presence in the [OPT] is unlawful” and must end “as rapidly as possible”.

European call: Suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement!

Posted in : ECCP EU Research Programs, EU/Israel trade agreements, Gaza, Home, Our Work, Statements | 19 Sept 2024 .

A European civil society campaign focusing on EU institutions and Member States.

The undersigned organisations jointly call for the suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement in light of violations of human rights by the State of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT).
These human rights violations constitute a clear breach of Article 2, which makes the Agreement conditional upon the parties’ “respect for human rights and democratic principles”, which constitute “an essential element” of the Agreement...

ECCP's Belgian participants: Association Belgo-Palestinienne (ABP), Belgian Academics and Artists for Palestine – BAA4P, Palestina Solidariteit, Intal, Centre National de Coopération au Développement (CNCD.11.11.11); Plateforme Charleroi Palestine. The ECCP International call: click here!

« Protesting Israel’s targeted destruction of all Schools and Universities in Gaza »
Middle East Studies Association Board | Committee on Academic Freedom MESA, September 14, 2024:

"Dear President Biden, Vice-President Harris, Secretary of State Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Austin, We write to you (...) to vehemently condemn the government of Israel’s brutal and cruel military campaign against the Palestinian people of Gaza and beseech you to urgently insist upon its immediate cessation. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health – Gaza, the death toll of Gazan Palestinians from Israeli attacks from 7 October 2023 until 9 September 2024 reached a shocking 40,972, with at least 94,761 wounded and untold numbers of dead who remain beneath the rubble. In this letter, as in our last two letters to Israeli government officials (25 January 2024; 21 November 2023), we focus on the decimation of the education sector in the Gaza Strip through the military’s killing of students, faculty, and staff and its targeted destruction of schools, university buildings, and related facilities. We are especially concerned to underscore the magnitude of the decimation by identifying by name and affiliation as many of the murdered Gazan scholars as is possible at this time. (...) According to the UN in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, as of 8 September 2024, more than 10,000 students and 411 educational staff have been killed, while more than 15,394 students and 2,411 teachers have been injured since 7 October (OCHA, Humanitarian Situation Update #215, Gaza Strip, 9 September 2024). Moreover, 90 percent of school buildings have been damaged, and 85 percent of educational facilities are “out of service due to direct and deliberate targeting” (OCHA, Gaza Humanitarian Response Update, 22 July–4 August 2024). Within the first 100 days of the onslaught, all major universities were destroyed [see our letter 25 January 2024]. To date, numerous colleges and technical institutes have been severely damaged, if not destroyed. The physical infrastructure necessary for higher education—including laboratories, libraries, classrooms, the latest technologies, etc.— no longer exists. Furthermore, in the absence of (reliable) electricity, internet connectivity and even phone reception, even remote instruction is extremely challenging, if not practically impossible (...)."


« How Does Israel Justify Mass Killings? It Starts in the Schools »

"Palestinian history and geography are absent from Israeli schoolbooks," scholar Nurit Peled-Elhanan says.

George YANCY (Truthout, Sept 15, 2024). The full article is freely accessible via Jewish Voice for Labour: click here!

JVL Introduction:

Nurit Peled-Elhanan is a distinguished Israeli academic who has written much on how Israeli schoolbooks are full of virulent anti-Palestinian racism. The ability of a nation to commit genocide depends upon its citizens regarding the victims of genocide as less than them, indeed less than human. Peled-Elhanan describes how Israeli school textbooks spent years teaching children that Arabs were primitives who could not adapt to modern civilisation before eliminating them from the narrative altogether except as agents of terror. The books present only one model for an Israeli: a Jew of European descent. The histories of all other Jewish Israelis, Mitzrahi and Ethiopian, are discounted and they must adapt to the Ashkenazi model.


« Israel's Violent Invasion of West Bank Parallels the Early Stages of War on Gaza:
UN Rapporteur on Palestine »

Jeremy Scahill (Drop Site Substack), August 30, 2024, via Jewish Voice for Labour:

"This is an incredible scaling up of the violence of the preceding months and in particular weeks,” said Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, “with a full military assault, destroying hospitals, destroying roads, destroying vital infrastructure which had already been severely damaged during the preceding months, and Voila!, telling the Palestinians to go, ordering mass evacuations.”
In an interview with Drop Site News, Albanese said, “I see a serious pattern parallel with what is happening in the Gaza Strip”—“patterns of torture, of destruction, of extrajudicial killings, of uprooting that are very similar to Gaza.” “It is my responsibility to warn against the risk of the genocide leaking into the West Bank. There is similar rhetoric, similar patterns, and escalating violence, ordering similar things.”...

« Israeli forces in Gaza ‘use civilians as human shields’ against possible booby-traps »

Emma Graham-Harrison (The Guardian, August 14, 2024).
"Israeli soldiers are using Palestinian civilians as human shields in Gaza to enter and clear tunnels and buildings they suspect may have been booby-trapped, a leading Israeli NGO and newspaper have reported."
[Breaking the Silence]


[The Platform ─ Israeli NGOs for Human Rights, 48p.]

BDS Movement:

« American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Scraps Untenable Position
Against Academic Boycotts »

AAUP’s reverses flawed policy and recognizes how those working to shield Israel from accountability abused that policy to undermine
principled campaigns to end university complicity in Israel’s grave crimes against Palestinians.

Ussama Makdisi (New Left Review, Sidecar, 06 August 2024):

"The most intense bombardment of a concentrated urban space in recent memory, the fastest deliberate starvation of any population in recorded history, the greatest number of journalists killed in any conflict worldwide, and the greatest number of United Nations staff slain in any period: Israel has set out to methodically obliterate every aspect of Palestinian life in Gaza, with the Lancet estimating that its war may have already left more than 186,000 dead. As part of this ten-month rampage, Israel has targeted schools, universities, libraries, archives, cultural centres, heritage sites, mosques and churches. It has assassinated professors and massacred teachers, faculty and staff, along with their entire families. It has also caused irreparable harm to tens of thousands of students, in what UN officials have described as a ‘scholasticide’..."


« WELCOME TO HELL. The Israeli Prison System as a Network of Torture Camps »

B'TSELEM - The Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories,
Full report (August 2024, 118p.): click here!

“Welcome to Hell” is a report on the abuse and inhuman treatment of Palestinians held in Israeli custody since 7 October 2023. B’Tselem collected testimonies from 55 Palestinians held during that time and released, almost all with no charges. Their testimonies reveal the outcomes of the rushed transformation of more than a dozen Israeli prison facilities, military and civilian, into a network of camps dedicated to the abuse of inmates as a matter of policy. Facilities in which every inmate is deliberately subjected to harsh, relentless pain and suffering operate as de-facto torture camps.


« Haniyeh's Assassination & Israel's Charade of Diplomacy »

Al-Shabaka - The Palestinian Policy Network Round-Table, August 7, 2024.

In this roundtable, Al-Shabaka analysts Belal Shobaki, Tariq Kenney-Shawa, and Fathi Nimer offer their insights on the impact of Haniyeh’s assassination.
They reflect on Hamas’s future, the impetus behind the operation, and its wider regional consequences, placing them within the historical context of so-called Israeli diplomacy.


« Des milliers d’universitaires européens demandent la fin du soutien européen
aux institutions universitaires israéliennes »

AURDIP, August 5, 2024:

Plus de 2000 universitaires européens et 45 organisations ont signé une pétition demandant que la Commission européenne mette fin au traité d’association entre Israël et l’Union européenne, retirant ainsi un pilier du soutien financier européen aux institutions israéliennes qui sont complices de violations des droits humains.


« The decimation of Gaza’s academia is ‘impossible to quantify’ »

With thousands of faculty and students likely killed and campuses destroyed, Palestinian universities in the Strip
are barely surviving Israel’s scholasticide.

Ibtisam Mahdi (+972, July 26, 2024):

Dr. Refaat Alareer was a good friend of mine. A poet, writer, and prominent activist for the Palestinian cause, Refaat taught English literature and poetry for many years at the Islamic University of Gaza. He loved the works of Shakespeare, Thomas White, John Donne, Wilfred Owen, and many others, and he was the editor of two books: “Gaza Unsilenced“ and “Gaza Writes Back.”
Refaat is one of at least 105 Palestinian academics killed in Gaza since the start of Israel’s war, according to the Palestinian Education Ministry’s latest statistics. His home institution, the Islamic University, has been completely demolished by the bombing campaign — and all of Gaza’s 19 universities have sustained severe damage or lie in utter ruins, with over 80 percent of university buildings destroyed. The Strip’s nearly 90,000 students who were enrolled in institutions of higher learning before the war have largely been unable to continue their studies.

The annihilation of higher education is particularly tragic for Gaza’s future: this source of learning, economic growth, livelihoods, and community is now gone. But the stories of the teachers and schools we have lost, and the educational opportunities that are now foreclosed, deserve to be told.


International Court of Justice: Press Release No. 2024/57, 19 July 2024:

« Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
including East Jerusalem »

The Court gives its Advisory Opinion and responds to the questions posed by the General Assembly:

   In its Advisory Opinion, the Court responds to the questions posed by the General Assembly by concluding that:

  • the State of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful;

  • the State of Israel is under an obligation to bring to an end its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory as rapidly as possible;

  • the State of Israel is under an obligation to cease immediately all new settlement activities, andto evacuate all settlers from the Occupied Palestinian Territory;

  • the State of Israel has the obligation to make reparation for the damage caused to all the naturalor legal persons concerned in the Occupied Palestinian Territory;

  • all States are under an obligation not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawfulpresence of the State of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and not to render aid assistance in maintaining the situation created by the continued presence of the State of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory;

  • international organizations, including the United Nations, are under an obligation not torecognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of the State of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; and

  • the United Nations, and especially the General Assembly, which requested the opinion, and theSecurity Council, should consider the precise modalities and further action required to bring to an end as rapidly as possible the unlawful presence of the State of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. »

« Misconduct of Israeli Soldiers in Gaza »

Concept, research and text: Jehan Alfarra (MEMO, July 2024):

In just six months, Israel killed over 33,000 Palestinians in the enclave, the majority of whom are women and children, with exact figures expected to be much higher as thousands remain trapped under the rubble. More than 70,000 Palestinians have also been injured.

The Israeli army’s misconduct ── Glaring impunity ── Documentation

Middle East Monitor has collected and categorised some of the visual evidence disseminated by Israeli soldiers on social media for documentation and reporting purposes.


Open Letter: « Stop European funding for Israeli institutions ! »

Israel's war on Gaza is causing previously unseen levels of death and destruction amongst the Palestinian people, already suffering from decades of illegal occupation and apartheid. While Palestinian universities are being deliberately annihilated by the Israeli military, Israeli academic institutions continue to enjoy a privileged status as partners of European science, receiving over €2.6 billion in EU research funding since 2007. Israeli universities, far from being stalwarts of “academic freedom”, have been an integral part of the Israeli settler-colonial project since their inception. They produce scholarship that seeks to normalize and legitimize crimes committed by the State of Israel, they develop technology and strategies that are deployed by the Israeli military on Palestinians, and they undermine academic freedom by repressing critical Jewish and Arab voices in their own institutions. Plausible evidence of Israel’s crimes has been found and is being pursued by both international courts (ICC, ICJ) and by the UN, which now considers Israel to be an entity “committing violations against children”. Yet, Israel continues to enjoy access to EU research funding as a privileged “associated country” in Horizon Europe and other programs, and many European institutions are refusing to act to cut these ties.

We therefore demand that:
The EU must stop all institutional collaboration with Israeli universities, and revoke Israel's status as a Horizon Europe associated country
Individual academic freedom and bilateral contacts are preserved with subsidies to individual scholars, with no involvement of Israeli institutions
The EU takes the lead, with funds, expertise and political support, in reconstructing Palestinian universities and institutions destroyed by Israel.

List of endorsers July, 2024: +1.590;
Anonymous: 557.


« Liberal Zionism and the woke façade of Israeli genocide »

Instead of upholding a left-wing agenda and a critical lens, liberal Zionists are a mouthpiece for Israel's occupation and genocide.

Yoav Litvin (The New Arab, June 27, 2024):

Israel’s ongoing genocide is part of a downward spiral for the Zionist project. In the words of acclaimed historian Professor Ilan Pappe: “We are witnessing a historical process – or, more accurately, the beginnings of one – that is likely to culminate in the downfall of Zionism." Yet Zionism’s long-standing settler goals have not only thrived through genocidal aggression masked as "self-defence" with subsequent land grabs as obscene rewards for its adherents but also via its “liberal" flank serving a crucial propaganda role, posturing as benevolent and humanitarian whilst aligned with aims of American imperialism.


« Urgent Appeal to Suspend Israel’s Participation in EU Research Programs Following ICJ Interim Order on Gaza Genocide »

(AURDIP - Association des Universitaires pour de Respect du Droit International en Palestine, June 13, 2024):

AURDIP and four European academic organizations urge the EU to suspend Israel’s participation in EU research programs following the International Court of Justice’s interim order, which found plausible claims of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. The letter highlights Israel’s violations of international law and criticizes EU funding that may support these actions. It calls for compliance with the ICJ order and an end to EU support for Israel until it adheres to international law and ethical standards.

─ Dr. Nozomi Takahashi, Chairwoman of Belgian Academics and Artists for Palestine/Belgian Campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (BA4P/BACBI);
─ Prof. Em. Ivar Ekeland, Chairman of French Association of Academics for Respect for International Law in Palestine (AURDIP)
─ Prof. Em. Jonathan Rosenhead, Chairman of British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP);
─ Dr. Sue Blackwell, on behalf of Dutch Scholars for Palestine (DSP);
─ Dr. María José Lera, on behalf of Red Universitaria por Palestina (RUxP)-University Nework for Palestine, Spain .


« The invocation of Amalek in Israel: from extremist religious rhetoric to a totalitarian project
culminating in the genocide in Gaza »

AURDIP (June 11, 2024):

This AURDIP report focuses on a fundamental aspect of the anatomy of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. It shows that the invocation of Amalek in Israeli public discourse has shifted in recent decades from extremist religious rhetoric to ideological indoctrination in the social and political arena. At the end of a long process initiated in 1967 in the aftermath of the Six Day War, it has now become a political agenda leading to the development of an increasingly violent and aggressive policy of colonization and apartheid, culminating in the ongoing genocide for which Amalek has become the code name.


« BDS founder hails campus protests for taking Israeli divestment mainstream »

Nina Lakhani (The Guardian, 4 June 2024):

Omar Barghouti,who attended Columbia University in 80s, says student solidarity with Palestine has educated the world.

"The student-led protests demanding universities cut financial and academic ties to Israel have led to unprecedented support for the Palestinian liberation struggle, and have propelled the divestment debate into the mainstream," according to the co-founder of the Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) movement.
Omar Barghouti, a Palestinian human rights defender who helped launch the BDS movement almost 20 years ago, said the students’ solidarity had helped educate the world about the Israeli occupation and “apartheid” while exposing the hypocrisy – and repressive tendencies – of some of the world’s most prestigious universities with investments in corporations which put “profit before people and the planet”.


« We call on our supporters to help us resist the Israeli campaign of scholasticide and rebuild our universities. »

Letter by Gaza Academics and Administrators (Al Jazeera, 29 May 2024 ):

We have come together as Palestinian academics and university administrators of Gaza universities to affirm our existence, the existence of our colleagues and our students, and the insistence on our future, in the face of all current attempts to erase us.
The Israeli occupation forces have demolished our buildings but our universities live on. We reaffirm our collective determination to remain on our land and to resume teaching, study, and research in Gaza, at our own Palestinian universities, at the earliest opportunity.


« Appel en soutien aux mobilisations pour la Palestine sur les campus universitaires »

Carte blanche (ULB) : Le Vif, 25 mai, 2024:

Dans une carte blanche, 29 enseignants à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles marquent leur soutien à l’occupation de l’université, sur fond de conflit israélo-palestinien.
En parallèle, ils rejettent l’accusation de déni d’antisémitisme subie par leur établissement.

« Face au désastre en cours à Gaza, la mobilisation de la jeunesse dans les universités américaines, partout dans le monde et dans notre propre université constitue pour nous une lueur d’espoir. Partout également le mouvement d’occupation des universités pour manifester l’opposition à la guerre menée par Israël et pour la défense des droits des Palestiniens est stigmatisée et criminalisée comme antisémite. Les détracteurs des occupations ne cessent de sommer les autorités universitaires de requérir les forces de l’ordre pour faire évacuer les campus. Par cet appel, nous voulons dénoncer l’instrumentalisation honteuse de l’accusation d’antisémitisme pour désigner le soutien de la jeunesse à la cause palestinienne et l’accusation de déni d’antisémitisme à l’encontre des autorités académiques pour n’avoir pas livré le campus aux forces de police... »

Lire la suite (avec la liste des signateurs.trices): cliquez-ici!



Wednesday October 16th, 2024, 7pm, Palestine time:
« Universalism vs. Orientalism. Some Thoughts about, and in the wake of, Edward Said »
Prof. Marwan Rashed (Paris-Sorbonne University)

Zoom link!

Abstract: My contribution will focus on the complex relationship between the current eradication of Palestine and the state of Arab studies in Western universities. Of course, the perpetrators of genocide do not need a sophisticated intellectual substructure to carry out their crimes. All it takes is a few supremacist declarations and international complicity. However, by stressing certain fundamental aspects of Arab and Hebrew science and philosophy in their relationship to the Latin world, I shall explore what appears to be, by contrast, a diffuse relationship between the current drama and an evolution in academic knowledge and practice over the last few decades. This will involve a reflection both on the role that academic ideology has played in the dehumanization of the Palestinian people (and Arab peoples in general), and on the way in which, in return, the current genocide is transforming the meaning and mission of the university in liberal democracies.

Selection of Recent Publications:


Edited by Jamie Stern-Weiner (Editor), Avi Shlaim (Introduction),

OR Publishers, April 16, 2024, 307p., £ 17.32: click here!

Why did Hamas attack? What is Israel trying to achieve? Did this catastrophe have to happen? And is there a way forward? The book’s expert contributors address these and other questions, which have never been more urgent. In September 2023, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan boasted that the Middle East “is quieter today than it has been in two decades.” One week later, unprecedented violence in Gaza and Israel shattered the status quo and shocked the world. Hamas’s Operation Al-Aqsa Deluge punctured delusions of stability as hundreds of militants burst forth from the Gaza prison camp. In the ensuing carnage and firefights, 1,200 Israelis were killed and hundreds more taken hostage.
Israel’s retaliation turned the besieged enclave into a howling wasteland. Nearly 30,000 people were killed in four months, including more than 12,000 children, and over 60 percent of homes were damaged or destroyed. Israel targeted the wounded and infirm, newborns and near-dead, as Gaza’s healthcare system—hospitals, clinics, ambulances, medical personnel—came under a systematic attack unprecedented in the annals of modern warfare.
The Hamas massacre and the genocidal Israeli campaign which followed together mark a historic turning point in the Israel-Palestine conflict. The reverberations have also shaken politics far beyond, not least in Europe and the United States, where gigantic, round-the-clock protests for Palestinian rights pitted politicians against the public and exposed a growing statist authoritarianism.

Authors: Avi Shlaim, Sara Roy, Colter Louwerse, Yaniv Cogan, Ahmed Alnaouq, Khaled Hroub, Musa Saqbuhashhash, Mouin Rabbani, Nathan J.Brown, Mitchell Plitnick, Talal Hangari, Clare Daly MP.


Shourideh C.Molavi.

Foreworded by Eyal Weizman, 2024, 117p., 2024.

Shourideh is the lead Palestine researcher for Forensic Architecture, linking our investigations to the work and research of civil society, grassroots groups and human rights defenders in the country. She is a scholar in political science and human rights and trained with a background in International Humanitarian Law. Shourideh has two decades of extensive academic, legal research, and fieldwork experience in the Middle East, specifically in Palestine/Israel, on the topics of human and minority rights, with an emphasis on the relationship between the law, violence and power. She is Senior Lecturer in the Institute for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University in NYC. Her publications include « Stateless Citizenship: The Arab Citizens of Israel » (Brill, 2013); « Contemporary Israel/Palestine » (Oxford University Press, 2018); « Environmental Warfare in Gaza »(Pluto Press, 2024); « Constituting the Jewish State: The Israeli Logic of Colonial Exclusion » (I.B. Tauris, 2025).

« How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom »

Maya Wind.

Afterword by Robin D.G. Kelley, Foreword by Nadia Abu El Haj. Verso, 288 p., January 2024 , ISBN 9781804291740, £ 16.00.

How Israeli universities collaborate in Israeli state violence against Palestinians.

Israeli universities have long enjoyed a reputation as liberal bastions of freedom and democracy. Drawing on extensive research and making Hebrew sources accessible to the international community, Maya Wind shatters this myth and documents how Israeli universities are directly complicit in the violation of Palestinian rights.
As this book shows, Israeli universities serve as pillars of Israel's system of oppression against Palestinians. Academic disciplines, degree programs, campus infrastructure, and research laboratories all service Israeli occupation and apartheid, while universities violate the rights of Palestinians to education, stifle critical scholarship, and violently repress student dissent. 'Towers of Ivory and Steel' is a powerful expose of Israeli academia’s ongoing and active complicity in Israel’s settler-colonial project.

Israel Scholasticide Policies against Palestine
A Selection of Resources 2009-2023: click here!
BDS Movement, February 1, 2024: « 350 Scholars Urge Flemish Interuniversity Council [VLIR] to Suspend Cooperation with Complicit Israeli Universities ─ Scholars at Flanders Universities»: click here!

« Procedure for Entry and Residence of Foreigners in the Judea and Samaria Area »

Published by Israel Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT).
Update January 30, 2023. With 6 files to download.
 Order (complete, 62p.): click here!

"For requests regarding the entry and exit of foreign visitors to the territories of Judea and Samaria only, as well as requests for the return of foreign guarantee funds, please use the following contact methods : Email - "

Resources (2019-):

  • “Scholasticide” – the systematic destruction by Israeli forces of centres of education" (RIGHT2EDUCATION, Birzeit University, January 10, 2009): click here!
    A new word emerged from the carnage in Gaza this week: “scholasticide” – the systematic destruction by Israeli forces of centres of education dear to Palestinian society, as the ministry of education was bombed, the infrastructure of teaching destroyed, and schools across the Gaza strip targeted for attack by the air, sea and ground offensives. “Learn, baby, learn” was a slogan of the black rights movement in America’s ghettoes a generation ago, but it also epitomises the idea of education as the central pillar of Palestinian identity – a traditional premium on schooling steeled by occupation, and something the Israelis “cannot abide… and seek to destroy”, according to Dr Karma Nabulsi, who teaches politics at St Edmund Hall, Oxford.
  • Nick RIEMER: “Scholasticide: The Relentless Attack on Palestinian Universities" (The Wire, January 1, 2019): click here!
    Israel’s efforts to cripple higher education in occupied Palestine continued relentlessly in 2018, with Israeli universities acting as key tools of the occupation. The systematic punishment inflicted on Palestinian academics and students didn’t attract anything like the global attention of Gazans’ March of Return, but it deserves to be documented and organised against for what it is: a slow, sadistic crushing of learning, and a stifling of the life opportunities it provides. A selection of the manifestations of this “scholasticide,” all drawn from local reports, is catalogued in this article, along with some brief indications of Israeli universities’ collaboration in it. This suggests the full violence of Israel’s siege on higher education in Palestine – and the urgent necessity of an effective response on the part of people of good conscience around the world, including those who work in universities.
  • Law for Palestine: « Israel’s Arrest Policy against Palestinian University Students (in the West Bank and Israel). » A Tool for Eroding Palestinian National Identity and Consolidating Israeli Colonialism (Law for Palestine, April 2023, pdf, ): click here!
    This report was prepared for the purpose of submission to the United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel, and to the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Ms. Francesca Albanese, in accordance with her call for submissions for her thematic report to the Human Rights Council on deprivation of liberty in the occupied Palestinian territory.
  • Articles (2019-):

  • Fayha Shahash, « Palestinians decry Israel army's 'barbaric' university raid and student arrests. » Eight members of Birzeit University student council detained in the latest crackdown on student politics (Middle East Eye, Sept 25, 2023): click here!
    Palestinians have condemned the Israeli army's storming of a leading West Bank university and the arrest of student activists. Around 10 military vehicles violently raided Birzeit University's campus at dawn on Sunday before dozens of special forces disembarked and surrounded the student council building, according to student Basil Barghouti. Troops assaulted university guards, vandalised the council's office and arrested eight of its members. The detained students, including the council's elected president, Abdul Majeed Hassan, had been barricading themselves inside the building for two weeks fearing arrest by the Palestinian security services. "The soldiers destroyed the contents of the building and broke equipment that was to be used in activities during next week," Barghouti told Middle East Eye. "They also confiscated many items belonging to the student council."
  • Amira HASS: " Israel to Decide for Palestinians Which Foreign Lecturers Can Teach at West Bank Universities. A set of procedures published by the Defense Ministry puts further restrictions on who can enter, work and stay in the West Bank" (Haaretz, March 8, 2022): click here!
    Israel will permit Palestinian institutions of higher education to employ lecturers from overseas only if they teach in fields that have been designated as essential by Israel, and only if the lecturers and researchers are accomplished and possess at least a doctorate, according to a new set of procedures by the Defense Ministry.

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