Belgian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

BACBI: Resources.
  • # "Interactive Encyclopedia of the Palestine Question" (Institute for Palestine Studies): click here!-
    Explore thousands of events, biographies, highlights, places and primary documents, in the first interactive platform entirely devoted to the Palestine Question. ─ Conceived by the Institute for Palestine Studies as part of a joint project with the Palestinian Museum, the Interactive Encyclopedia of the Palestine Question traces the history of modern Palestine, from the end of the Ottoman era to the present. Consisting in the description of various aspects of the Palestine Question that is simultaneously objective and committed, the Encyclopedia presents the Palestinians as they are—purposeful actors and not just victims. Following years of preparation and several stages of implementation, the Encyclopedia is now a fully-bilingual platform geared towards academics, students, journalists, and the general public.
  • # A Selection of Source Documents cited in Thomas Suárez, "Palestine Hijacked," and other writings, click here!-
    "About this site: was created in response to critics who challenged the existence, or the accuracy of my use of, source documents cited by me in books and articles. It has become a resource for important documents not otherwise available online."
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  • # Adalah: Two Years After the May 2021 Event The Uprising of Dignity: Israel’s use of excessive force and racial segregation against Palestinians continue. Authors: Ola Taha, Attorney Adi Mansour, Attorney Nareman Shehadeh-Zoabi. (May 2023, 45p.): click here!
    In May 2021, thousands of Palestinians led a mass popular uprising in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and within the Green Line inside Israel, commonly referred to by Palestinians as “The Unity Intifada” or the “Uprising of Dignity”. The uprising, which began in Jerusalem during the first week of May and continued through approximately 21 May, spread throughout Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, as well as to Palestinian refugee camps in the diaspora and in several countries around the world.
  • # Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network, Annual Report Spring 2022 - Spring 2023 (pdf, 15p.): click here!
    RECOMMITTING TO A DECOLONIAL FUTURE. Over the past year, Al-Shabaka’s staff and board have engaged in a process of deep reflection about the role of the organization within the broader struggle for Palestinian liberation. Aware of the risk of inertia, we wanted to ask hard questions - primarily among them, whether we are strategically using the tools at our disposal to best serve the Palestinian people at this moment in time.
  • # "Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel." United Nations General Assembly, 77th session, 14 Sept 2022 (pdf, 28p.): click here!
    Summary: The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel hereby submits its first report to the General Assembly. The report addresses the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, its purported de jure and discernible de facto annexation, the human rights implications for Palestinians and the legal consequences of such actions.
  • # "Israëlische Apartheid: Drie Basisteksten" (Nederlands Palestina Komitee 2021, pdf, 60p., 8 Engelstalige bijlagen): click here!
    Ontwikkelingen op de grond – de stelsel-matige kolonisatie door Israel van de Palestijnse leefomgeving in combinatie met ambitieuze annexatieplannen, het voortduren van de bezetting (inmiddels ruim een halve eeuw), het einde van de zogenaamde ‘twee staten-oplossing’ en de invoering van de Basiswet op de Joodse Natie-Staat – hebben de discussie over toekomstige politieke verhoudingen in Israel/Palestina nieuwe impulsen gegeven.
  • # "A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid" (B'TSELEM, Jan 12, 2021, pdf, 8p.): click here!
    More than 14 million people,roughly half of them Jews and the other half Palestinians, live between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea under a single rule. The common perception in public, political, legal and media discourse is that two separate regimes operate side by side in this area, separated by the Green Line.
  • # "Highway to Annexation Israeli Road and Transportation Infrastructure Development in the West Bank." The Israeli Centre for Public Affairs & Breaking the Silence (December 2020, pdf, 39p.): click here!
    While the threat of de jure Israeli annexation of West Bank territory has lessened, de facto annexation is accelerating at a rapid and alarming pace. The Israeli political Right has stated that it hopes to grow the population to 1,000,000 settlers. Even if such a number is not reached, the significant road and transportation development projects that the Israeli government has advanced in the past five years make it plausible that the current settler population could double in the coming decades. Settlement expansion cannot take place without the parallel development of road, water, and electricity infrastructure. Because of this, when tracking settlement expansion, it is important to track not only the number of new housing units, which is the most common benchmark used today, but also the development of settlement infrastructure.
  • # "The October 2000 Killings (October Uprising)" (Adalah, 30 Sept 2020): click here!
    "Between 1 and 8 October 2000, Israeli police officers shot dead 13 young unarmed Palestinian men, 12 citizens of Israel and one resident of Gaza. The 13 deaths and hundreds of injuries occurred when Israeli police opened fire on Palestinian citizens who had taken to the streets to protest against the Israeli military's killing and wounding of scores of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (West Bank and Gaza) at the outbreak of the Second Intifada."
  • # Al-Shabaka Report: "Reclaiming the PLO, Re-Engaging Youth." An Al-Shabaka Policy Circle Report (August 2020, pdf, 41p.): click here!
    "Introduction: The Palestinian national movement is in an acute state of crisis, facing unprecedented obstacles to its quest for self-determination. The Oslo Accords of the 1990s and the statehood project they produced have failed on every count to secure justice for the Palestinian people. On the contrary, Israel is tightening its military control of the Palestinian territory it occupied in 1967 and expanding its illegal settlement enterprise. Meanwhile, annexation of the rest of the occupied territory is rapidly becoming reality."
  • # "The Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and the Crime of Apartheid: Legal Opinion by Adv. Michael Sfard" (Yesh Din Position paper, June 2020, pdf, 58p.): click here!
    "Introduction: Apartheid?! Us?! Accusations of apartheid have been leveled at Israel, at varying degrees of intensity, for decades. Apartheid has been attributed to the Israeli regime in various contexts, at various time periods, and in relation to a variety of spaces under Israeli control and its treatment of different populations. So, for instance, the accusation was made in relation to Israel’s treatment of its Palestinian citizens, to Zionism as a movement and a concept, control of East Jerusalem, the treatment of Negev Bedouins, the military government in the occupied territories outside the Green Line and the entire Israeli project from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea."
  • # "How Not to Fight Antisemitism." A Critique of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition of Antisemitism (IHRA-WDA)". Independent Jewish Voices Canada/Voix juives indépendantes", May 2020, pdf, 24p.: click here!
    "The IHRA-WDA is a deeply flawed document. It fails to provide an adequate objective standard that can be used to identify antisemitic incidents and/or antisemitic speech. It is insufficiently precise for legal and administrative uses, and its adoption for this purpose by Zionist lobby groups is opportunistic. Even Kenneth Stern has strongly opposed its use as a legal or administrative definition of antisemitism. He has warned that such a use will be a threat to both academic freedom and freedom of expression in general."
  • # Human Rights Watch: "Born Without Civil Rights." Israel’s Use of Draconian Military Orders to Repress Palestinians in the West Bank (November 2019, ISBN: 978-1-6231-37816, pdf, 97p.): click here! Summary (Dec 17, 2019): click here!
    The Israeli army has deprived generations of Palestinians in the West Bank of their basic civil rights, including the rights to free assembly, association and expression, regularly drawing on military orders issued in the first days of the occupation. Even if such restrictions could have been justified then to preserve public order and safety, the suspension of core rights more than half a century later with no end in sight violates Israel’s core responsibilities under the law of occupation.
  • # "NGO Monitor: Shrinking Space. Defaming human rights organizations that criticize the Israeli occupation" (The Policy Working Group, 2018, pdf, 47p.): click here!
    NGO Monitor is an organization that was founded in 2002 under the auspices of the conservative think tank JCPA (the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs) and has been an independent entity since 2007. Its declared goal is to promote “transparency and accountability of NGOs claiming human rights agendas, primarily in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict”.
  • Seraje ASSI: "The History and Politics of the Bedouin: Reimagining Nomadism in Modern Palestine" (Routledge Studies on the Arab-Israeli Conflict, April 27, 2018): click here!
    This book examines contending visions on nomadism in modern Palestine, with a special focus on the British Mandate period. Extending from the late Ottoman period to the founding of the State of Israel, it highlights both ruptures and continuities with the Ottoman past and the Israeli present, to prove that nomadism was not invented by the British or the Zionists, but is the shared legacy of Ottoman, British, Zionist, Palestinian, and most recently, Israeli attitudes to the Bedouin of Palestine.
  • Jana Van Braeckel: "(Re)claiming spatial justice for the native Naqab Arab Bedouin.Towards a critical geography of the Israeli land and planning laws" (UGent, MA, 2015-16, pdf, 76p.): click here!
    This case study examines the ongoing spatial-legal conflict between the Israeli government and the native Arab Bedouin in the Naqab ̶ southern region of Israel. This conflict is studied against the backgroundofIsrael’sethnocratic settler colonialist logicwhich seeks to “Judaize” Arab Bedouin space by acts of (violent)dispossession, displacement, replacement and enforced urbanization.By unfolding the Israeli legal system, its laws and policies,it becomes apparent that legal tools are used to deny the Arab Bedouin their land rights and ownership.The doctrine of “terra nullius”facilitates a conceptual “emptying”of space and is of tactical useto facilitate the enactment of various laws and regulations of land confiscation, whileIsrael strategically expandsitsterritories in order to establish a Jewish state.
  • "Palestijnse vluchtelingen en de UNRWA" (The Rights Forum Dossiers): click here!
    Het rigoureuze beleid van de regering-Trump heeft de kwestie van de Palestijnse vluchtelingen op de agenda gezet. In het debat daarover worden, ook in Nederland, volop oneigenlijke argumenten gebruikt. In het belang van een zuivere discussie heeft The Rights Forum een compact dossier over de vluchtelingenkwestie samengesteld.
  • Fanack – Chronicle of the Middle East & North Africa. Country files: "Palestine" ( click here!
  • "The Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and the Crime of Apartheid: Legal Opinion by Adv. Michael Sfard". Yesh Din Position paper" (June 2020, pdf, 58p.): click here!
    Writing assistance: Adv. Noa Amrami and Noa Resheff. Contributors: Adv. Shlomy Zachary, Ziv Stahl, Adv. Yehudit Karp, Adv. Michael Ben Yair & Prof. Naomi Chazan.
  • European Council on Foreign Relations: "Mapping Palestinian Politics" (Update 29 maart 2020, pdf, 76p.): click here!
    Mapping Palestinian Politics provides an interactive overview of the main Palestinian political institutions and players in Palestine, Israel, and the diaspora. Its goal is to provide an easy-to-use, scene-setting resource for researchers, journalists, andpolicymakers ahead of significant transformations to the Palestinian political order centred around the anticipated departure of Mahmoud Abbas in the near term.
  • "The Official Summation of the OR Commission Report” (pdf, 15p.): click here!
    The events of October 2000 shook the earth. The riots in the Arab sector inside the State of Israel in early October were unprecedented. The events were extremely unusual from several perspectives...
  • "EU and Israel – The Case Of Complicity” (ECCP, Dec 10, 2019, pdf, 12p.): click here!
    For many years European and Palestinian civil society and human rights organisations have been raising concerns over EU taxpayers’ money being channelled to Israeli companies and institutions accused of war crimes and involved in violations of international law and human rights.
  • "The European Legal Support Center (ELSC)" (The Rights Forum, pdf, 3p.): click here!
    Contact: The European Legal Support Center (ELSC) is an independent, non-governmental initiative dedicated to protecting the fundamental rights to freedom of expression and assembly of those who speak out and take peaceful action in Europe for justice and freedom of the Palestinian people. The ELSC is a joint initiative of Palestinian civil society, The Rights Forum in the Netherlands and European jurists. It is based in Amsterdam and will become operational in early 2019.
  • "Addameer Collects Hard Evidence on Torture and Ill-Treatment Committed against Palestinian Detainees at Israeli Interrogation Centers" (23 Dec 2019, pdf, 8p.): click here!
    Since its creation, the occupying state developed and enforced laws and practices that led to both the systematic use of torture and to absolute impunity for the perpetrator of this crime. There has never been any individual or agency held accountable for the well-documented crimes of torture and ill-treatment at Israeli prisons and interrogation centers. The occupation authorities, in particular, the Israeli intelligence agency “Shabak” resorts to torture and ill-treatment as standard operating procedure in a systematic and wide-scale approach against Palestinian detainees.
  • " Addaleer Annual Violations Report 2018 (pdf, 98p.): click here!
    In 2018, the Israeli occupation authorities continued implementing their main policy to enshrine the apartheid and racism regime against Palestinians, this policy is integrated within its laws, judiciary and practices… In 2018, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested around (6500) Palestinians, including (1080) children, (133) women, (6) PLC members and (17) journalists. Additionally, they issued (912) administrative detention orders, (398) of which were new. In 2018, the IOF continued its policy of arbitrary detention of Palestinians. The year, 2018, ended with 5700 Palestinian detained in Israeli prisons, this number included (230) were children, (54) are females including one minor, approximately (500) administrative detainees, (19) journalists, (8) PLC members, and around (700) prisoners with health issues needing urgent medical attention. There are also (27) long-term prisoners who were arrested before the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993; including the two longest serving prisoners, Karim and Maher Younis, who were arrested in 1983.”
  • Kenniscentrum Israël Palestina. Documentatie over Palestijnen, Israël, Midden-Oosten (docP): click here!
    Een volledig vernieuwd digitaal kenniscentrum over Israël en Palestina. Met inmiddels een kleine honderd artikelen over onderwerpen die belangrijk zijn voor het begrip van wat er is gebeurd in het Palestina van vóór 1948, in de joodse staat vanaf 1948 en in de bezette gebieden. En voor wat er vandaag de dag aan de hand is in de Negev woestijn, in de Jordaanvallei en in Jeruzalem...
  • Human Rights Watch: "Born Without Civil Rights. Israel’s Use of Draconian Military Orders to Repress Palestinians in the West Bank" (November 2019, ISBN: 978-1-6231-37816, pdf, 97p.): click here! Summary (Dec 17, 2019): click here!
    The Israeli army has deprived generations of Palestinians in the West Bank of their basic civil rights, including the rights to free assembly, association and expression, regularly drawing on military orders issued in the first days of the occupation. Even if such restrictions could have been justified then to preserve public order and safety, the suspension of core rights more than half a century later with no end in sight violates Israel’s core responsibilities under the law of occupation.
  • Court of Justice of the European Union, "Press Release No 140/19, 12 November 2019" (pdf, 2p.): click here!
    Foodstuffs originating in the territories occupied by the State of Israel must bear the indication of their territory of origin, accompanied, where those foodstuffs come from an Israeli settlement within that territory, by the indication of that provenance.
  • "Letter from European researchers and academics concerning Israel's participation in Horizon Europe" (June 4, 2019, pdf, 6p., with list of 155 endorsers): click here!
    Letter sent to: Ms. Federica Mogherini - High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and to: Mr Carlos Moedas - European Commission, DG for Research and Innovation. The letter was answered by Commissioner Moedas, July 11: click here!
  • World Health Organization - Occupied Palestinian Territories & Health Cluster oPt: "Emergency Trauma Response to the Gaza Mass Demonstrations 2018–2019. A One-Year Review of Trauma Data and the Humanitarian Consequences" (Issued May 2019, pdf, 86p.): click here!
    Gaza’s health system is chronically deteriorating and more than a decade of blockade has led to a serious deterioration of the social determinants of health. Water from the aquifer is basically unfit for human consumption, sewage flows largely untreated into the Mediterranean and the economy is stifled, with unemployment rates way over 50%. Of the 1.4 million Palestinians in need of humanitarian interventions in 2019, 1.2 million live in the Gaza Strip.
  • "NGO Monitor: Shrinking Space. Defaming human rights organizations that criticize the Israeli occupation" (The Policy Working Group, 2018, pdf, 47p.): click here!
    NGO Monitor is an organization that was founded in 2002 under the auspices of the conservative think tank JCPA (the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs) and has been an independent entity since 2007. Its declared goal is to promote “transparency and accountability of NGOs claiming human rights agendas, primarily in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict”.
  • Report: "House Demolitions as a Central Tool for the Dispossession and Concentration of the Bedouin Population in the Negev/Naqab: Updated Data for 2017" (Dukium, Nov 27, 2018, pdf, 33p.): click here!
    In the course of 2017, an unprecedented amount of 2,220 structures were demolished in the Bedouin communities in the Negev/Naqab - an unfathomable number. The State of Israel implements its demolition policy in all Bedouin localities, recognized and unrecognized alike, and demolishes new structures alongside old ones, in order to force its Bedouin citizens to settle according to the government’s aspirations and the various master-plans it created.
  • Ico MALY: "Over Racisme en beeldvorming in het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict" (Licentieverhandeling, UGent 2001): click here!
  • "I've Been There": "A Study of Torture and Inhumane Treatment in Al-Moscabiyah Interrogation Center" (Report of Addameer, 25 Oct 2018, pdf, 46p.): click here!
  • "The Palestinians in Israel. Readings in History, Politics and Society." Edited by Nadim N. Rouhana and Areej Sabbagh-Khoury (Mada al-Carmel - Arab Center for Applied Social Research, 2018, pdf, 274p.): click here!
  • "September 2018 Demolition and Displacement Report" (ICAHD - The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, Oct 3, 2018): click here!
  • "Questions & Réponses: Ce que vous avez besoin de savoir à propos des réfugiés palestiniens et des personnes déplacées internes" (BADIL, mai 2015, pdf, 32p.): click here!
  • Jonathan COOK: "Apartheid Israel" (16p., The Link, Vol. 51, Issue 2, April-May 2018): click here!
  • "Palestine and the Israeli Occupation, Issue No. 1: Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid". Rapporteurs: Prof. Richard Falk & Prof. Virginia Tilley. UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (Beirut 2017, 74p., was removed but is saved on click here! La traduction française (AURDIP, 62p.): click here!
    The authors of this report, examining whether Israel has established an apartheid regime that oppresses and dominates the Palestinian people as a whole, fully appreciate the sensitivity of the question. Even broaching the issue has been denounced by spokespersons of the Israeli Government and many of its supporters as anti-Semitism in a new guise.
  • "Palestine and the Israeli Occupation, Issue No. 1: Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid, Executive Summary" (UN-ESCWA, 2017): click here!
    "This report concludes that Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole. Aware of the seriousness of this allegation, the authors of the report conclude that available evidence establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that Israel is guilty of policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid as legally defined in instruments of international law".
  • "ADDAMEER Annual Violations Report 2018" (pdf, 98p.): click here!
    In 2018, the Israeli occupation authorities continued implementing their main policy to enshrine the apartheid and racism regime against Palestinians, this policy is integrated within its laws, judiciary and practices...
  • "Articles: 50 Years of Occupation” (Staat van Beleg, juli, 2017): click here!
    100 Selected Readings.
  • Maayan GEVA: "From policing to warfare: the Israeli governance of the West Bank and Gaza" (British Society of Criminology Newsletter No. 80, Summer 2017, pp. 37-41): click here!
  • "Timeline: Israel’s anti-Palestinian laws since 1948" (MEMo, May 15, 2017): click here!
  • Human Rights Watch: "Occupation, Inc.: How Settlement Businesses Contribute to Israel’s Violations of Palestinian Rights" (Jan 19, 2016): click here!
  • N.ALVA: "Palestinian Workers Campaign for Social Justice" (Middle East Research and Information Center, published in MER281, Winter 2016): click here!
  • Katarzyna LEMANSKA: "Les liens entre la Belgique et l'occupation israélienne" (Étude, avril 2014; mise à jour en août 2014, pdf, 89p.): click here!
  • Uri Yacobi KELLER: "Academic Boycott of Israel and the Complicity of Israeli Academic Institutions in Occupation of Palestinian Territories" (in: The Economy of the Occupation, A Socioeconomic Bulletin, No 23, October 2009, The Alternative Information Center), pdf, 64pp.: click here!
  • "PACBI Guidelines for the International Academic Boycott of Israel (Revised July 2014)": click here!
  • Yvonne A. SCHMIDT: "List of U.N. Security Council Resolutions on Israel (1948 – 2006)": click here!
  • Human Rights Watch: "SECOND CLASS. Discrimination Against Palestinian Arab Children in Israel’s Schools" (Sept 30, 2001, pdf, 139p.: click here!


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