BACBI: Testimonies
Rudi Barnet (juin 2016): "À propos d'une certaine presse, propagandiste masquée du régime israélien."
À Mohamed Ali qui, depuis 1974, soutenait le peuple Palestinien dans sa lutte contre les envahisseurs.
Certains soirs, face au poste de télévision, on reste sans réaction devant le sourire compassé de gens "propres sur eux" qui, sans la moindre gêne, déversent une propagande sordide.
Alors, devant ce ramassis de contrevérités, de manipulations des faits, d'occultation de l'Histoire allant jusqu'au négationnisme, on a parfois envie de pleurer ou de hurler... mais le cri reste dans la gorge.
Au JT, ce soir-là, c'était un "reportage promotionnel" vantant la force technique et économique de l'appareil politique israélien, mettant l'accent sur la splendeur des buildings de Tel-Aviv, la quiétude de ses plages, le dynamisme de businessmen issus de l'armée, l'exceptionnelle sérénité de la population devant les menaces d'attentat... et autres qualités du régime.
D'emblée, le présentateur fixe le cadre : "La menace terroriste est constante en Europe. Comment cela se passe-t-il en Israël, ce pays confronté au terrorisme depuis plus de vingt ans (...) Mais ils ont appris à ne pas céder à la peur, à vivre avec la menace terroriste..."
Ce présentateur affirme donc clairement que Palestinien et Djihadiste ne sont que des prénoms, terroriste est le nom de famille!
... Et cinq cents mille citoyens du plat pays sont priés d'avaler cette ignominie.
Tout comme, dans les années quarante, quand les Allemands appelaient "terroristes" ceux qui osaient leur résister, les maîtres actuels de cette petite terre, et leurs partisans, ont aussi décidé qu'il n'y avait pas de Palestiniens, pas de résistants... seulement des terroristes.
Ces "communicants" – appellation plus conforme que celui, respectable, de journalistes – tiennent cependant à garder un vernis de moralité.
Quand vous interpellez le "grand reporter" responsable de ce genre de bidonnage médiatique, il vous répond "mon rôle est d’informer et non pas de militer", et, la main sur le cœur, il proclame qu'il a une approche objective du drame et "de l'empathie à l’égard des victimes".
Mais à l'antenne, pas le moindre signe visible de cette soi-disant objectivité, ni de cette attitude humaniste... La déontologie ne s'use que si l'on s'en sert, n'est-ce pas.
Pendant les quelques quatre minutes que dure ensuite le "reportage", pas un Israélo/palestinien n'apparaîtra à l'image et, pour bien ancrer le terme dans la mémoire du spectateur, le mot "terroriste" sera martelé une vingtaine de fois.
Avec des trémolos dans la voix, le "grand reporter" citera les "trente-quatre personnes tuées depuis 2015"... passant sous silence que depuis cette même date, c'est par centaines que des Palestiniens ont été assassinés, sans compter les blessés (près de quinze mille selon diverses ONG internationales).
... Mais qu'importe les faits, seule la promotion du régime israélien compte pour ces groupies de Netanyahu.
Après la dernière agression contre les Gazaouis (2014), les maîtres de Tel-Aviv ont lancé une vaste opération de propagande en direction des USA et de l'Europe occidentale pour tenter de redorer la triste image d'Etat totalitaire que ses crimes avaient laissé dans l'opinion internationale.
Cette campagne de propagande, financée par un budget de plusieurs millions de dollars (!) fonctionne en ce moment à pleine puissance... et comporte, entre autres, des invitations de séjour, tous frais payés, à des télévisions sympathisantes de son idéologie.
Il faut se rendre à l'évidence, inutile d'encore tenter de dialoguer avec ces communicants, qui ont fait allégeance à ce régime d'extrême droite.
Inutile de les interpeller, gentiment ou de manière véhémente, inutile de vouloir faire appel à leur intelligence ou à leur conscience.
Inutile... ce sont des croyants!
Pourtant, ils sont informés ces gens des medias "mainstream", ils connaissent l'Histoire, ils savent que cet état d'Israël a été fondé sur le sang du peuple qui vivait sur cette terre.
Ils savent que rien n'a changé depuis 1936 (quatre-vingt ans!) quand les sbires de Ben Gourion plaçaient des bombes dans les trains et dans la foule des marchés palestiniens. L'objectif est toujours le même : conquérir cette terre et chasser les autochtones... et asservir ceux qui n'ont pas choisi l'exil.
Comme l'a révélé Ilan Pappe, historien israélien, l'armée israélienne a opéré, de 1947 à 48, un véritable nettoyage ethnique en tuant ou faisant fuir près de huit cents mille Palestiniens et en rasant systématiquement plus de cinq cents villages.
Ils savent aussi que ce régime bafoue journellement les droits des êtres humains, ne respecte pas les lois internationales, que son armée terrorise la population des territoires qu'elle occupe illégalement et qu'elle assassine délibérément ceux qui lui résistent.
Ils n'ignorent pas que la colonisation se développe journellement au point de rendre impraticable tout projet de "deux états pour deux peuples"... qui n'est plus qu'un discours pour la frime médiatique.
Ils savent aussi que le régime israélien a édicté quatre-vingt articles de loi discriminant 20% de ses habitants... des lois instituant des régimes d'apartheid dans de multiples secteurs (enseignement, culture, expression, circulation des personnes, économie... etc)
Ils savent tout cela, ces communicants... Alors?
Il faut se faire une raison : ils mènent une croisade et rien ne peut les atteindre.
Leur conviction est bétonnée : les Palestiniens ne sont que des Arabes... terroristes.
Alors, devant une émission de télévision dans laquelle les auteurs affichent sans fard leur collusion avec ce régime criminel, la nausée monte à la gorge... Et une question apparaît, une question inquiétante.
Et si, à l'instar des prêcheurs de Daesh, le discours fallacieux de ces communicants, diffusé à des centaines de milliers de concitoyens de mon pays, avait un objectif similaire... renforcer le régime israélien en amenant des jeunes européens à partir là-bas pour s'engager dans les troupes de Netanyahu et consort?
A ce jour déjà, plusieurs milliers de jeunes occidentaux (dont environ 8.000 Français selon certaines sources) se sont enrôlés dans l'armée israélienne pour "buter de l'arabe"!
... Comme cet Elor Azria, sergent Franco-israélien, qui a froidement achevé un jeune Palestinien, il s'appelait Abed al-Fattah Yusri al-Sharif, d'une balle dans la tête alors qu'il gisait grièvement blessé et désarmé sur le tarmac de Hébron... "ce chien méritait de mourir pour avoir voulu blesser un de mes amis", a-t-il fièrement crié.
Cet assassin – comment le qualifier autrement? – a été porté en triomphe pour sa "bravoure"... avant de passer les fêtes de Pessah en famille.
Qui a entendu les protestations de ces communicants qui proclament avoir "de l'empathie pour les victimes", et quand ont-ils informé sur les "exécutions extra-judiciaires" qui se déroulent régulièrement aux infâmes check points ?
Quelle valeur donnent-ils à la vie d'un Palestinien?
En ce moment ils donnent priorité à un attentat meurtrier de deux jeunes Palestiniens dans un bistrot de Tel-Aviv et en profitent pour marteler une fois de plus cette stupidité ignoble "un antisioniste est un antisémite".
Ils savent pourtant que les Palestiniens sont des sémites, contrairement à l'immense majorité des colonisateurs venus d'Europe... Et sont-ils conscients qu'ils traitent d'antisémites de grandes figures de la communauté juive, tels Albert Einstein, Hanna Arendt (Lire la lettre au "New-York Times du 2/12/1948), Shlomo Sand, Ilan Pappe... tant d'autres.
Est-ce vraiment délirant de penser que l'objectif de ces communicants est essentiellement de servir le régime de Netanyahu et Lieberman en tentant de radicaliser autant que possible le public de leur pays?
... Et le parallèle avec les prêches des fanatiques appelant au djihad, est-il vraiment absurde?
Let Palestine Study. Keep the Israeli Army off Kadoorie campus!
Dear international supporters of Palestine,
The Palestine Technical University Kadoorie in Tulkarem is under severe conditions imposed by the Israeli army. The army has confiscated land from this agricultural institution and uses it for training and as a shooting range. We, Kadoorie University and Academia for Equality, a members organization dedicated to the democratization of Israeli academia and society, have previously appealed to the military authorities but the situation on the ground remains tense. We therefore decided to launch a joint public campaign to defend academic freedom in Palestine.
We ask you, members of academic and educational institutions all over the world to join the “Friends of Kadoorie” campaign by filling up a very short form. If you support our demands to the Israeli authorities, please SEND THE LETTER (below) to the following Israeli authorities: The President of Israel, public@president.gov.il, and The Minister of Defense, Moshe Ya’alon, minister@mod.gov.il.
On behalf of Derar Elyan, Vice President of Kadoorie university and Academia for Equality (Israel): the "Friends of Kadoorie", click here.
Let Palestine Study. Keep the Israeli Army off Kadoorie campus!
We, the undersigned, education professionals from ..., express our support for Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie – in the Palestinian Occupied Territories, in its fight for the right to study peacefully, against the troubles constantly caused by the Israeli army.
Since 2002, the army has used a shooting range built on confiscated university land, with firing oriented in the direction of the university buildings. Moreover, since October 2015, the army has responded aggressively and disproportionately to demonstrations against the occupation, storming the university’s campus 130 times over 85 days, injuring 138 students and staff members with live bullets. In addition, the army fired tear gas grenades causing 850 cases of suffocation and destroyed greenhouses used by the students. These incursions into campus also included shooting at walls, windows, and lamps; using so called “skunk water;” and preventing the use of the library for weeks. To date, 12.5% of the total study days have been disrupted this year, as the university was forced to suspend study 12 times and to close its doors for two days to maintain its students’ lives and safety.
In the face of this aggression, the university has reacted peacefully, only asking for its land to be given back, and for permission to build a protection wall between the campus and the army installations. This wall would not only prevent bullets from reaching the buildings, but would also prevent demonstrators from entering the campus and throwing stones at army installations. The army has turned down this simple solution; military exercises – including shooting with live ammunition – continue regularly on the campus’ grounds.
This scenario is exceptional and unacceptable, even under military occupation. An agricultural school must be able to use its greenhouses and a university must ensure a peaceful and secure course of study and research for its students.
We urge the Israeli authorities to accept immediately the University’s simple and fair requests as follows:
1. Remove the shooting range from the campus and return the University’s lands.
2. Allow the University to build a protection wall against the bullets that endanger students’ lives and damage its buildings.
3. Stop all violence, incursions, and interference on campus, allowing students and their lecturers to work and study peacefully for a better future.
Ga niet naar Israël! Open brief aan Jan Fabre.
Beste Jan,
In naam van de 656 ondertekenaars van de Belgische oproep tot academische en culturele boycot van Israël (BACBI), moet ik u met aandrang vragen af te zien van deelname aan het Israel Festival met Mount Olympus en te bedanken voor de eer van ‘master artist’ van dit jaar te zijn. Het heeft geen pas om Israëlische instituties te helpen om het blazoen van Israël internationaal hoog te houden en op te poetsen. Het Israël Festival is zo’n evenement: wie daaraan deelneemt, draagt bij tot de legitimering van Israël.
Naast de recente excessen van geweld van kolonisten op Palestijnen, zijn er de Muur, de steeds verdere uitbreiding van de nederzettingen, de land grab, de checkpoints, de bantoestanisering van de Westbank, de massale opsluitingen, ook van kinderen, de vernietiging van huizen en olijfboomgaarden, de discriminatie van Palestijnse studenten, enzovoort - allemaal in strijd met het internationaal recht. De tijd is rijp om zich van de gewelddadige apartheidspolitiek van Israël te distantiëren
Wij hopen dat je alsnog van deelname afziet. Maar in elk geval hopen wij dat je zeker in de toekomst afziet van structurele, institutionele samenwerking met Israëlische culturele instituties (samenwerking met individuen valt niet onder de boycot).
Ps: en als je toch gaat, ga dan kijken naar Hebron, de gewurgde stad, ga kijken naar Qalandia Checkpoint, ga naar Deheisheh Camp, ga kijken hoe kolonisten zelfs in Jeruzalem van bovenaf vuilnis gooien naar Palestijnen, zodat men netten moet spannen over straten. Laat de talloze racistische slogans die op de muren staan voor je vertalen. Ga kijken naar de bypass-wegen voor kolonisten en zie hoe het hele landschap in het teken staat van bezetting, tot zelfs de bomen toe: de coniferen die op de hellingen staan vergiftigen de valleien. Ga kijken, Jan.
Dan ben ik zeker, dat dit de laatste keer was dat je officieel deelnam aan een initiatief van de staat Israël. Heel zeker. Je kan het je niet voorstellen. Dat is het probleem voor de meeste mensen: dat ze zich niet kunnen voorstellen hoe erg het is. Niet alleen de Gazanen, alle Palestijnen leven eigenlijk in openluchtgevangenissen. Ja, van de Westbank blijven alleen enclaves over. Ik ken er mensen. Ze snakken naar adem, en zijn blij als ze er even uit kunnen.
En dat is natuurlijk de bedoeling: dat ze weg gaan. De etnische zuivering van Palestina, de Nakba van 1948, gaat op alle mogelijke en onmogelijke manieren door. En dat noemen wij dan de enige democratie in het Midden-Oosten en daarmee bakt Europa zoete broodjes door een speciaal partnerschap! Israël is zowat de 29ste staat van de Europese unie, doet mee aan eurosong, voetbal en ook aan Europees wetenschappelijk onderzoek, met aan het leger gelieerde universiteiten en bedrijven. Het is hoog tijd voor een institutionele academische en culturele boycot!
Ik weet dat je lef hebt, Jan. Ik hoop met man en macht dat je ook moed hebt. Maar, wat je ook doet, dat zeg ik meteen bij, ook tegen de weldenkende journalisten die klaar staan, geef me alsjeblief niet dat kleffe refrein dat kunst in het teken staat van dialoog.
Met alle respect voor uw werk en sympathie voor uw persoon
Lieven De Cauter
When I asked her where she was from and how old she is, she replied, “I’m older than “Israel”. I got curious and asked her why she lived so close to the illegal settlements. This is what she told me:
"I am from a village called (Beit Nuba). It was invaded in 1967. I had a newborn child when they invaded the village. It was an early morning.
We woke up and found the whole village surrounded by the Israeli occupation army. All the men were outside the village at that moment, so there was only women and children. They told us to leave the village immediately. Anyone who refused to leave, got killed. I had to escape with my newborn child in my arms. Some people left and with all the chaos, a lot of families split up and ended up in different places. After a while I decided to return to the village. An Israeli commander saw me and told me that the villages Beit Nuba, Imwas and Yalu were now belonging to them. I had to return to a nearby village. Since then, they have built many illegal settlements on the land they stole from us. They have stolen my land and deported my family, but they will never steal my smile and my hope to return."
All my respect to her, I hope she can go back home soon (Hamde Abu Rahme, with pictures, on Facebook).
"Les Deux Aylan"
Comme des millions de gens dans le monde, j'ai pleuré devant l'image du corps du petit Aylan Kurdi échoué sur la plage de Bodrum et j'ai été enthousiasmé par l'extraordinaire élan de solidarité que la photo de cet enfant mort a provoqué.
Partout dans le monde, des citoyens ordinaires comme moi se sont mobilisés pour ces gens qui fuient la barbarie.
Le rôle des medias a été fondamental pour la réussite de ces actions de solidarité.
En diffusant la photo du corps d'Aylan et en y consacrant des reportages, des émissions de télévision, ils ont sensibilisé le public aux drames qui se jouent là-bas, en Syrie, en Irak, en Erythrée...dans tant d'autres pays.
Pourtant, cette mobilisation des medias a des relents amers.
Il y a un an, le 16 juillet pour être précis, le corps d'un autre enfant gisait sur une autre plage de la Méditerranée.
La photo a aussi été communiquée aux medias mais très peu l'ont diffusée... Cet enfant était-il moins important pour eux?
Ce corps-là, ce n'est pas la mer qui l'a rejeté, c'est celui d'un enfant Palestinien déchiqueté par des obus tirés par les garde-côtes israéliens.
L'enfant jouait sur une plage de Gaza.
Comme je ne connais pas son prénom, je l'ai aussi appelé Aylan.
Je pense que le petit Aylan de Bodrum aurait aimé.
Rudi Barnet (7 septembre 2015).
"As in de mond"
tot de staat Israël
Ja, jij, Israël,
bent nu eenmaal beter. Het staat geschreven
in Het Boek. Het spreekt uit je blik
als je hen naderen ziet: in fanatieke kleren,
stoffig, hun pasje klaar in de hand.
Je kijkt naar hen als een schepper van water
in een wereld van zand. Zij wonen toevallig,
zonder belofte, kunnen weggerakeld
als dorre bladeren. Dit is jouw land.
Je hebt geleerd de angst voor vervolging
levend te houden zonder angst, arrogant
als de man die zijn vijand zelf heeft gekozen.
Je slaat hem neer. Je bent bedreigd,
de schuld die uitstaat geeft iedere bulldozer,
iedere tank het recht op veiligheid
zonder grenzen. Je ogen zagen de tempel
verwoesten, de straatstenen onder de hoeven
der kruisridders bloeden. Je bent tweeduizend
jaar oud, was erbij in Treblinka, Schirmeck
en Dachau. Al heb je hun water gestolen,
hun kinderen beschoten, hen achter prikkeldraad
opgesloten, je bent nu eenmaal Gods volk,
uitverkoren op precies deze grond.
Wie onder je bossen, je wegen, je steden
het oude dorp nog hoort schreeuwen,
krijgt as in de mond.
Charles Ducal (Dichter des Vaderlands), 1 augustus 2014 (De Morgen).
"My brother-in-law, Ahmed (Alazraq), was shot two days ago by an Israeli soldier in Aida Camp while he was on the street outside Lajee, a refugee cultural youth centre. He was shot in the forehead with a bullet, thinly coated with rubber, from close range. He underwent surgery to remove the bleeding in his brain and will need further surgery for the bone. He is 15.
Racial colonial violence permits, encourages and fuels incidents like these to happen. In his short life he has experienced political imprisonment twice, witnessed his two brothers being arrested multiple times, their house being raided, his community being attacked daily with tear gas, sewage water, bullets and army jeeps. Palestinian children are socialised under the surveillance and colonial control of a military occupation. Children in Palestine are forced to grow within small prisons surrounded by Israeli settlements, military checkpoints, a 30ft thick concrete apartheid wall, fencing, cameras, sniper watchtowers, ID cards, permits... Children in Palestine overwhelmingly suffer from PTSD, anxiety and depression.
The voice of another boy called Ahmed has been thumping in my head over the last few days. This video shows one part of his interrogation, where he is hitting his head in desperation shouting: ‘Msh mitthakur, msh mitthakur, msh mitthakur’ (I can’t remember, I can’t remember, I can’t remember.)
He is 13, he was run over by an Israeli settler and his cousin was shot dead next to him. He was filmed by Israelis as he lay dying, bleeding on the ground, his face in complete torment, his body twisted, as they shout ‘die you son of a bitch, shoot him in the head!’ Ahmed recovered slowly from this, with his wrists and ankles chained to a hospital bed. This is the beginning of another Ahmed’s long journey of political imprisonment: https://www.facebook.com/theIMEU/videos/1241323785884534/?pnref=story.unseen-section .
The violence and humiliation exercised by the Israeli state and Israelis is policy, it is endemic. This morning Israelis known as “the death unit” went undercover as Palestinians, (one dressed as a pregnant woman in a hijab, another pretended to be a patient in a wheelchair, the rest wore fake beards and Palestinian scarves), entered a hospital in occupied Hebron. They entered the surgery section, kidnapped a patient from his bed, Azzam Ezzat Shalaldah, age 20, who was shot by a settler last month. They then shot and killed his relative, Abdullah, who was visiting him in hospital. Abdullah was shot several times as he walked out of the bathroom after washing for prayers. Here is the footage of them in the hospital: https://www.youtube.com/watch...
Palestinian bodies are scattered across photos and videos documenting the unfathomable brutality they experience daily. How can people ignore the reality, or refuse to name it for what it really is: ethnic cleansing? Israel is a settler colony, founded in violent racism; Palestine is an occupied land, the indigenous people subjected to various mechanisms of dehumanisation and execution. How can anyone look into Ahmed’s face and say with conviction: ‘dialogue builds bridges to peace; there is two sides to the story, there is two sides to the story of your shooting’? No dialogue can be had with anyone who supports, stands by, or commits racist violence. Privilege and power will be broken by listening to those in struggle, and supporting, following and enforcing political action called for by those who live and breathe the reality of colonialism."
Anonymous, November 13, 2015.
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Current Affairs
- * "Israeli forces use Palestinian girl as a human shield in Jenin" (Defense for Children International-Palestine, May 19, 2022).
- Shatha HAMMAD: "Israeli forces fatally shoot two young Palestinians in occupied West Bank" (Middle East Eye, April 13, 2022).
- "Israel kills Palestinian boy in Jenin raid" (MEMo, March 31, 2022).
- Staat van Beleg: " Israëlische Schendingen februari 2022 " (7 maart 2022).
- Jesse Rosenfeld, Oren Ziv & Ahmad Al-Bazz : "Triple West Bank assassination recalls darkest days of the Intifada"
(+972, Feb 15, 2022).- Jack Khoury & Yaniv Kubovich: "Man Killed by Israeli Fire Near Ramallah, Palestinian Health Ministry Says"
(Haaretz, Feb 15, 2022).- "Israel’ Issues 1595 Administrative Detention Orders Against Palestinians In 2021"
PalestineOnline, Jan 2, 2022).- "Israel a tué 357 Palestiniens, dont 79 enfants et 69 femmes en 2021 "
EuroPalestine, 2 janvier 2022).- Gideon LEVY: "A Brief History of Killing Children "
Haaretz, Nov 20, 2021).- Allison WEIR: "Israeli forces have killed 39 Palestinian men, women, & children since May"
(Israel-Palestine News, Oct 19, 2021).- "Israel settlers open fire on Palestine homes in West Bank"
(Middle East Monitor, September 11, 2021).- Gideon LEVY: "Yes, the Palestinian Prison Escapees Are Freedom Fighters” (Haaretz, Sept 9, 2021; archive.today).
- "Developing news: Six Palestinian political prisoners liberate themselves from colonial Israeli prison” (Samidoun, Sept 5, 2021).
- "Israeli troops kill Palestinian teen in West Bank clash” (Middle East Eye, July 24, 2021).
- Tamara NASSAR: "Israeli gunfire takes lives of two more Palestinian teens” (+972, July 15, 2021).
- Yuval ABRAHAM: "Joint militias: How settlers and soldiers teamed up to kill four Palestinians” (+972, July 15, 2021).
- "Palestinian boy loses eye after Israel soldiers shoot him” (Middle East Monitor, April 12, 2021).
- Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "Palestinians Protested the Theft of Their Land. An Israeli Army Officer Shot One of Them in the Head” (Haaretz, March 26, 2021).
- "Israel to displace 1,550 Palestinians to build park in Jerusalem” (MEMo, March 18, 2021).
- "Reconstitution de l’exécution d’un Palestinien qui ne constituait aucune menace” (EuroPalestine, 27 février, 2021).
- Mairav ZONSZEIN: "Vaccination Under Occupation” (Jewish Currents, 12 Jan, 2021).
- Orly NOY: "Why B’Tselem is calling Israel an apartheid regime, from the river to the sea” (Mondoweiss, 12 Jan, 2021).
- "Deaf Palestinian man shot by Israeli soldiers dies of his wounds” (Israel Palestine News, Dec 11, 2020).
- "New Israeli ambassador in Britain describes Nakba as 'Arab lie'” (Middle East Monitor, Dec 8, 2020).
- "Israeli settlers flood Palestinian farmland with sewage” (Middle East Monitor, Oct 19, 2020).
- Ahmad MELHEM: "Family of Palestinian boy disfigured in 2015 firebomb attack still seeking justice” (Al-Monitor, Sept 20, 2020).
- Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Palestinian child shot by Israel dies in detention.” (The Electronic Intifada, August 21, 2020).
- Yumna PATEL: "Young Palestinian woman killed by Israeli forces in Jenin.” 23-year-old Dalia Samoudi is the 24th Palestinian to be killed by Israeli forces in the occupied Palestinian territories this year (Mondoweiss, August 7, 2020).
- "Israeli Soldiers Demolish Under-Construction Covid-19 Testing Center in Hebron” (IMEMC, July 21 2020).
- "Mother of Slain Palestinian: “My Son Was A Child In A Man’s Body”" (IMEMC, June 31 2020).
- Sondos SALEH: "Mustafa Went to Tel Aviv for Hospital Tests. He Was Shot Dead" (Haaretz, May 19, 2020).
- Jonathan OFIR: "Slapping Israeli Apartheid — the sentencing of Yifat Doron" (Mondoweiss, May 15, 2020).
- "Israëlische politieman schiet Palestijnse jongen kogel in het gezicht" (The Rights Forum, 18 feb, 2020).
- Jonathan OFIR: "Getting away with murder: Why Israeli police left Bedouin teacher to bleed to death in 2017." Some murder cases are so full of lies, that every attempt to hide them from public view only brings more attention to the crime. Such is the case of the extrajudicial execution three years ago of Israeli Bedouin citizen Yaqub Mousa Abu al-Qia’an. (Mondoweiss, March 1, 2020).
- Amira HASS: "The Trump Plan’s Vision for the Palestinians: Israel’s Security Slave." Direct lines can be seen between the ‘deal of the century,’ the Oslo Accords and their fraudulent implementation, which led to the creation of separate Palestinian enclaves. (Haaretz, Jan 31, 2020).
- "B’Tselem: Israel soldiers ‘wantonly’ shoot Palestinian children" (Palestine Post24, Dec 18, 2019).
- "Lost count? Israel killed 43 Palestinians in November" (If Americans Knew, Dec 5, 2019).
- Jonathan COOK: "Israel prepares to turn Bedouin citizens into refugees in their own country" (Mondoweiss, Oct 16, 2019).
- A. Daniel ROTH: "Each morning brings the fear of losing everything" (+972, Aug 25, 2019).
- Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "The Protest Dispersed. Then an Israeli Sniper Shot a 9-year-old Boy in the Head" (Haaretz, July 20, 2019, via IAK).
- Entsar ABU JAHAL: "Plenty of fish in Gaza sea, but not for Palestinians" (Al-Monitor, June 14, 2019).
- Myriam DEPREZ: "Susiya: The build-and-destroy dance of Israel’s demolitions" (Middle East Monitor, May 10, 2019).
- OCHA (oPt), Child labour increasing in Gaza" (OCHA - Monthly Humanitarian Bulletin, April 2019, May 14, 2019).
- Netta AHITUV, "Endless trip to hell': Israel jails hundreds of Palestinian boys a year. These are their testimonies" (Breaking the Silence via Haaretz, March 16, 2019).
- Tamara NASSAR: "Israel’s war on its Palestinian citizens" (The Internet Intifada, 26 Feb, 2019).
- Gideon LEVY: "In Land of Illegal Outposts and Hate Crimes, Another Palestinian Life Claimed" (Haaretz, Jan 27, 2019).
- * "Israeli forces use Palestinian girl as a human shield in Jenin" (Defense for Children International-Palestine, May 19, 2022).
- Shatha HAMMAD: "Israeli forces fatally shoot two young Palestinians in occupied West Bank" (Middle East Eye, April 13, 2022).
- "Israel kills Palestinian boy in Jenin raid" (MEMo, March 31, 2022).
- Staat van Beleg: " Israëlische Schendingen februari 2022 " (7 maart 2022).
- Jesse Rosenfeld, Oren Ziv & Ahmad Al-Bazz : "Triple West Bank assassination recalls darkest days of the Intifada"
(+972, Feb 15, 2022). - Jack Khoury & Yaniv Kubovich: "Man Killed by Israeli Fire Near Ramallah, Palestinian Health Ministry Says"
(Haaretz, Feb 15, 2022).- "Israel’ Issues 1595 Administrative Detention Orders Against Palestinians In 2021"
PalestineOnline, Jan 2, 2022).- "Israel a tué 357 Palestiniens, dont 79 enfants et 69 femmes en 2021 "
EuroPalestine, 2 janvier 2022).- Gideon LEVY: "A Brief History of Killing Children "
Haaretz, Nov 20, 2021).- Allison WEIR: "Israeli forces have killed 39 Palestinian men, women, & children since May" (Israel-Palestine News, Oct 19, 2021).
- "Israel settlers open fire on Palestine homes in West Bank" (Middle East Monitor, September 11, 2021).
- Gideon LEVY: "Yes, the Palestinian Prison Escapees Are Freedom Fighters” (Haaretz, Sept 9, 2021; archive.today).
- "Developing news: Six Palestinian political prisoners liberate themselves from colonial Israeli prison” (Samidoun, Sept 5, 2021).
- "Israeli troops kill Palestinian teen in West Bank clash” (Middle East Eye, July 24, 2021).
- Tamara NASSAR: "Israeli gunfire takes lives of two more Palestinian teens” (+972, July 15, 2021).
- Yuval ABRAHAM: "Joint militias: How settlers and soldiers teamed up to kill four Palestinians” (+972, July 15, 2021).
- "Palestinian boy loses eye after Israel soldiers shoot him” (Middle East Monitor, April 12, 2021).
- Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "Palestinians Protested the Theft of Their Land. An Israeli Army Officer Shot One of Them in the Head” (Haaretz, March 26, 2021).
- "Israel to displace 1,550 Palestinians to build park in Jerusalem” (MEMo, March 18, 2021).
- "Reconstitution de l’exécution d’un Palestinien qui ne constituait aucune menace” (EuroPalestine, 27 février, 2021).
- Mairav ZONSZEIN: "Vaccination Under Occupation” (Jewish Currents, 12 Jan, 2021).
- Orly NOY: "Why B’Tselem is calling Israel an apartheid regime, from the river to the sea” (Mondoweiss, 12 Jan, 2021).
- "Deaf Palestinian man shot by Israeli soldiers dies of his wounds” (Israel Palestine News, Dec 11, 2020).
- "New Israeli ambassador in Britain describes Nakba as 'Arab lie'” (Middle East Monitor, Dec 8, 2020).
- "Israeli settlers flood Palestinian farmland with sewage” (Middle East Monitor, Oct 19, 2020).
- Ahmad MELHEM: "Family of Palestinian boy disfigured in 2015 firebomb attack still seeking justice” (Al-Monitor, Sept 20, 2020).
- Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Palestinian child shot by Israel dies in detention.” (The Electronic Intifada, August 21, 2020).
- Yumna PATEL: "Young Palestinian woman killed by Israeli forces in Jenin.” 23-year-old Dalia Samoudi is the 24th Palestinian to be killed by Israeli forces in the occupied Palestinian territories this year (Mondoweiss, August 7, 2020).
- "Israeli Soldiers Demolish Under-Construction Covid-19 Testing Center in Hebron” (IMEMC, July 21 2020).
- "Mother of Slain Palestinian: “My Son Was A Child In A Man’s Body”" (IMEMC, June 31 2020).
- Sondos SALEH: "Mustafa Went to Tel Aviv for Hospital Tests. He Was Shot Dead" (Haaretz, May 19, 2020).
- Jonathan OFIR: "Slapping Israeli Apartheid — the sentencing of Yifat Doron" (Mondoweiss, May 15, 2020).
- "Israëlische politieman schiet Palestijnse jongen kogel in het gezicht" (The Rights Forum, 18 feb, 2020).
- Jonathan OFIR: "Getting away with murder: Why Israeli police left Bedouin teacher to bleed to death in 2017." Some murder cases are so full of lies, that every attempt to hide them from public view only brings more attention to the crime. Such is the case of the extrajudicial execution three years ago of Israeli Bedouin citizen Yaqub Mousa Abu al-Qia’an. (Mondoweiss, March 1, 2020).
- Amira HASS: "The Trump Plan’s Vision for the Palestinians: Israel’s Security Slave." Direct lines can be seen between the ‘deal of the century,’ the Oslo Accords and their fraudulent implementation, which led to the creation of separate Palestinian enclaves. (Haaretz, Jan 31, 2020).
- "B’Tselem: Israel soldiers ‘wantonly’ shoot Palestinian children" (Palestine Post24, Dec 18, 2019).
- "Lost count? Israel killed 43 Palestinians in November" (If Americans Knew, Dec 5, 2019).
- Jonathan COOK: "Israel prepares to turn Bedouin citizens into refugees in their own country" (Mondoweiss, Oct 16, 2019).
- A. Daniel ROTH: "Each morning brings the fear of losing everything" (+972, Aug 25, 2019).
- Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "The Protest Dispersed. Then an Israeli Sniper Shot a 9-year-old Boy in the Head" (Haaretz, July 20, 2019, via IAK).
- Entsar ABU JAHAL: "Plenty of fish in Gaza sea, but not for Palestinians" (Al-Monitor, June 14, 2019).
- Myriam DEPREZ: "Susiya: The build-and-destroy dance of Israel’s demolitions" (Middle East Monitor, May 10, 2019).
- OCHA (oPt), Child labour increasing in Gaza" (OCHA - Monthly Humanitarian Bulletin, April 2019, May 14, 2019).
- Netta AHITUV, "Endless trip to hell': Israel jails hundreds of Palestinian boys a year. These are their testimonies" (Breaking the Silence via Haaretz, March 16, 2019).
- Tamara NASSAR: "Israel’s war on its Palestinian citizens" (The Internet Intifada, 26 Feb, 2019).
- Gideon LEVY: "In Land of Illegal Outposts and Hate Crimes, Another Palestinian Life Claimed" (Haaretz, Jan 27, 2019).
- "Report: Crimes against Humanity: Israel killed at least 45 Palestinian children in Gaza" (Ma'an News Agency, Jan 19, 2019).
- Yumna PATEL: "‘Waging War on Shufat’: Jerusalem municipality demolishes 21 businesses in East Jerusalem refugee camp" (Mondoweiss, Nov 22, 2018).
- Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Israeli soldier executed Gaza teen at close range: witness" (The Electronic Intifada, Oct 13, 2018).
- "September 2018 report: 378 Palestinians arrested as Khader Adnan, Omran al-Khatib continue hunger strikes" (Samidoun, Oct 11, 2018).
- "Palestinians Protest Planned Demolition of Khan al-Ahmar" (Telesur, July 28, 2018).
- Yumna PATEL: "Israeli forces kill 15-year-old Palestinian in refugee camp raid" (Mondoweiss, July 23, 2018).
- Amira HASS: "Night raids and attack dogs: For West Bank Palestinians, their homes are not their castles" (Haaretz, June 17, 2018).
- Neve GORDON: "Gaza's Passover massacre" (Al-Jazeera, April 1, 2018)
- "Israel killed 3 Palestinian civilians, injured 500, in first half of March" (Middle East Monitor, March 16)
- Omar KARMI: “Gaza in a vice” (The Electronic Intifada, Feb 13, 2018).
- Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: “Like a Safari: Israeli Troops in Jeeps Hunt a Palestinian Teen and Shoot Him in the Head” (Haaretz, Feb 9, 2018, now freely available via: If Americans Knew).
- Amira HASS: "On the Margins of the Murder”, (Haaretz, Nov 12, 2017): click here!
- "Israeli forces detain 11 Palestinians, including 4 minors, in overnight raids" (Ma'an, March 29, 2017).
- Amira HASS: "Israeli Settlers Kill a Sheep in Latest Escalation in Jordan Valley, Palestinians Say" (Haaretz, Feb 18, 2017).
- "Israel aims to ‘Judaize’ historical Bethlehem village" (Middle East Monitor, Jan 13, 2017).
- Nasouh NAZZAL: "Israel’s pesticide war on Gazan farmers" (Gulf News Palestine, Dec 26, 2016).
- Emily MULDER: "Israeli guard: 'Go from this land or I will kill you'" (Al Jazeera, Dec 26, 2016).
- "A six-year-old Palestinian girl killed after being run over by Israeli settler" (Middle East Children Alliance, 2016).
- Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "In Some of the Israeli Army's Raids, Leaving Empty-handed Is Not an Option" (Haaretz, Aug 27, 2016).
- "Israeli settlers attack Palestinian girl in Ramallah, stab and kill her sheep" (Ma'an, Aug 5, 2016).
- "Un enfant palestinien [de 12 ans] tué par des soldats israéliens" (Libération, 19 juillet 2016).
- Kit O'CONNELL: "Israel Cutting Palestinians Off From Their Own Water Supply" (MintPress News, June 30, 2016).
- "Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Child Near Ramallah" (IMEMC, June 21, 2016).
- Edo KONRAD: "Tel Aviv mayor says the occupation is a cause of Palestinian terror" (+972, June 9, 2016).
- "After being shot three days ago by IOF, Palestinian youth dies from injuries" (Palestinian Information Center, June 6, 2016).
- Palestine PMO: Israel’s destruction of Palestinian water infrastructure is atrocious (Palestine News Network, May 26, 2016).
- Again, settlers burn Palestinian farms in West Bank (Days of Palestine, May 16, 2016).
- Michal ZAK: "Third intifada, terror wave, the 'situation': Just don't mention the 'O' word to Israelis" (Middle East Eye, March 13, 2016).
- Jon QUEALLY: "Brother and Sister, Children Aged 10 and 6, Killed by Israeli Bombing in Gaza" (Common Dreams, March 13, 2016).
- Jonathan COOK: "Aid subversion report makes for shocking reading" (The National, March 7, 2016).
- "Palestijns meisje van 13 geëxecuteerd" (alexandrina.nl, 23 jan, 2016).
- "UN decries Abu Nuwar demolitions, calls for immediate end to planned transfers" (Medical Aid for Palestinians, MAP, Jan 20, 2016).
- Julie PUTSEYS: "Palestijnse empowerment op Israëlische scholen." Geen gelijke kansen zonder evenwaardig onderwijs. Zo denkt de Arabisch-Israëlische professor Dalia Fadila er alleszins over. (MO*, 10 Jan 2016).
- Uri SAVIR: "Why solving Israel-Palestine conflict is still key for regional stability" (Al-Monitor, Jan 3, 2016).
- C.J.WERLEMAN: "The road to hell is paved with 'national security'". Israel is turning the West’s fixation on the Islamic State group into an opportunity to expand its apartheid laws and militarisation of the West Bank (Middle East Eye, Jan 1, 2016).
- Mazal MUALEM: "'Hate wedding' video offers glimpse at Jewish terror" (Al-Monitor, Dec 28, 2015).
- Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Catastrophe for Syrians and Palestinians alike in war-ravaged country" (The Electronic Intifada, Dec 23, 2015).
- Shlomi ELDAR: "Why the US is part of Middle East problem, not the solution". Interview with Ayman Odeh (Al-Monitor, Dec 14, 2015).
- Philip WEISS: "Obama’s ISIS czar says we can’t defeat extremism without resolving Palestinian issue" (Mondoweiss, Dec 14, 2015).
- Uri SAVIR: "How the Islamic State hurts Palestinian cause" (Al-Monitor, Dec 6, 2015).
- Al Jazeera: "Gaza's crumbling healthcare system" (Yahoo.com, Dec 8, 2015).
- Nurit CANETTI: "The radicalization of Israel" (Al-Monitor, Dec 2, 2015).
- Kate: "Prominent Israeli settler runs over 16-year-old girl, then shoots her dead" (Mondoweiss, Nov 23, 2015).
- Gideon LEVY: "So These Are Israel's New Heroes?" Israel's recent military operations in Palestinian hospitals are a blatant violation of the Geneva Convention, and make you wonder how low the country can sink (Haaretz, Nov 21, 2015).
- Philip WEISS: "The best way for Americans to defeat the Islamic state is to end support for Jewish nationalism" (Mondoweiss, Nov 15, 2015).
- Ahmed MOOR: "The Problem of Palestine is Zionism" (Fair Observer, Nov 11, 2015).
- Miko PELED: "Zionism is racism: Notes from Tel-Rumeida, Hebron, El-Khalil" (American Herald Tribune, Nov 13, 2015).
- Megan HANNA: "‘It Has Become A Prison’: The ghettoization of Hebron" (Mondoweiss, Nov 11, 2015).
- Avigail ABARBANEL: "Netanyahu’s craziness is calculated, to drive out Palestinians" (Mondoweiss, Nov 5, 2015).
- Michel WARSCHAWSKI: "La jeunesse palestinienne à couteaux tirés avec Israël" (Orient XXI, 15 Oct 2015).
- Kamel HAWWASH: "Palestinians have a problem with occupiers not (with) Jews" (MEMO, Oct 30, 2015).
- "Palestijnse baby vermoord met traangas" (Alexandrina, Oct 31, 2015).
- Ali ABUNIMAH: "Israel’s executions of Palestinian teens must end, Amnesty says" (The Electronic Intifada, Oct 28, 2015).
- Killian REDDEN: "Hebron at eye of the storm as death toll rises" (Ma'an News Agency, Oct 26, 2015).
- "Netanyahu Shamelessly Exploits the Shoah to Stoke Fear of Palestinians" (Jewish Voice for Peace, Oct 21, 2015).
- Amos GVIRTZ: "From Unilateral- to Bilateral War - or: How the Palestinians Fight to Prevent Being Expelled From the Country" (Occupation Magazine, Oct 20, 2015).
- Noam SHEIZAF: "Jerusalem, in context" (+972, October 19, 2015). "The current events in Jerusalem have a political history and context. Attempts to attribute the violence to some kind of Palestinian pathology while ignoring other factors is a recipe for making things worse."
- Meron RAPOPORT: "The paradox of Jerusalem" (Middle East Eye, October 17, 2015).
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