Belgian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel


BACBI: Israel Apartheid

(1) Resources (latest last):
(2) Articles: below (latest first)

  • "Palestine and the Israeli Occupation, Issue No. 1: Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid". Rapporteurs: Prof. Richard Falk & Prof. Virginia Tilley. UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ESCWA, Beirut 2017 (74p., under US pressure removed but still available): click here. La traduction française (AURDIP, 62p.): click here!
    The authors of this report, examining whether Israel has established an apartheid regime that oppresses and dominates the Palestinian people as a whole, fully appreciate the sensitivity of the question. Even broaching the issue has been denounced by spokespersons of the Israeli Government and many of its supporters as anti-Semitism in a new guise.
  • "Palestine and the Israeli Occupation, Issue No. 1: Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid: Executive Summary" (UN-ESCWA, 2017): click here.
    "This report concludes that Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole. Aware of the seriousness of this allegation, the authors of the report conclude that available evidence establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that Israel is guilty of policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid as legally defined in instruments of international law".
  • Richard Falk & Virginia Tilley, "Update to the ESCWA Report of 15 March 2017" (draft, pdf, 62p.): click here.
    "1st Global Conference on Dimensions, Repercussions of Israeli Apartheid and the Means to Combat it," Istanbul, Turkey, 29-30 Nov 2019: Update to the ESCWA Report of 15 March 2017: “Legal Inquiry into Israel as an Apartheid State”:
    Introduction: Updating the ESCWA Report, ‘Israeli Practices Toward the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid,’ Richard Falk & Virginia Tilley.
    Part I: "The Necessary Shift: From Ending the Occupation to Ending Apartheid", Richard Falk;
    Part II: "Reimagining Palestine: Implications of the ESCWA Report for a Paradigm Shift", Virginia Tilley.
  • B'TSELEM: "A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid" (January 12, 2021): click here!
    More than 14 million people, roughly half of them Jews and the other half Palestinians, live between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea under a single rule. The common perception in public, political, legal and media discourse is that two separate regimes operate side by side in this area, separated by the Green Line. One regime, inside the borders of the sovereign State of Israel, is a permanent democracy with a population of about nine million, all Israeli citizens. The other regime, in the territories Israel took over in 1967, whose final status is supposed to be determined in future negotiations, is a temporary military occupation imposed on some five million Palestinian subjects...
  • HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH Report: " A Threshold Crossed. Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution." (HRW, April 2021, ISBN: 978-1-62313-900-1, pdf, 224p.): click here!
    That Israeli authorities are committing the crime against humanity of apartheid today is a matter of growing consensus within the global human rights movement and, increasingly, beyond it. The report by the Special Rapporteur for the Human Rights Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Michael Lynk, reinforces findings by leading Palestinian, Israeli and international human rights groups. Groups have independently gathered evidence over many months, evaluated case studies, government policies and statements, applied the law and determined that apartheid is the reality for millions of Palestinians. Cf. Omar Shakir (HRW Israel and Palestine Director, Middle East and North Africa Division),Israeli Apartheid: "A Threshold Crossed" (HRW, July 19, 2021), click here!
  • HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL: "Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967 ." Human Rights Council, 49th session, 28 February–1 April 2022, Agenda item 7 (18p.): click here!
    "(The Rapporteur) concluded that the political system of entrenched rule in the occupied Palestinian territory satisfied the prevailing evidentiary standard for the existence of apartheid. First, an institutionalised regime of systematic racial oppression and discrimination has been established. Second, this system of alien rule had been established with the intent to maintain the domination of one racial-national-ethnic group over another. And third, the imposition of this system of institutionalised discrimination with the intent of permanent domination had been built upon the regular practice of inhuman(e) acts. This was apartheid. With the eyes of the international community wide open, Israel had imposed upon Palestine an apartheid reality in a post-apartheid world."
  • AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: "Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians. A Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity" (AI, February 2022, pdf, 280p.): click here!
    Israeli authorities must be held accountable for committing the crime of apartheid against Palestinians, Amnesty International said today in a damning new report. The investigation details how Israel enforces a system of oppression and domination against the Palestinian people wherever it has control over their rights. This includes Palestinians living in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), as well as displaced refugees in other countries.
  • « Israeli Jews Call: “Stop Israel’s Apartheid!” » An Open Letter to the International Community (#IsraelisAgainstApartheid). List of signatories (1.051): click here!
    We, Jewish Israelis, oppose the actions of the Israeli government and hereby declare our commitment to act against them. We refuse to accept the Jewish-supremacist regime and call upon the international community to immediately intervene in defense of the Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem, the Galilee, the Negev, al-Lydd, Yafa, Ramleh, Haifa and throughout historic Palestine...
  • Noura Erakat & John Reynolds: « Understanding Apartheid. » Embracing a radical critique of Israeli apartheid is a precondition for bringing it to a just end. (Jewish Currents, November 1, 2022): click here!
    At the height of the Unity Intifada in May 2021, as Palestinians demonstrated from Gaza City to Haifa to Ramallah, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the only PalestinianA American member of Congress, demanded an end to Israel’s “apartheid government.” Two days later, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Cori Bush joined her in tweeting, in reference to Israel: “Apartheid states aren’t democracies.” The use of the “apartheid” label—and the rejection, from even a small minority of legislators, of the claim that Israel is “the only democracy in the Middle East”—signaled a break with US political orthodoxy. ...
  • « Israel and Apartheid »  (Wikipedia, 16 April, 2023): click here!
    Israel is accused by international, Israeli and Palestinian rights groups of committing the crime of apartheid under the 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, both in the occupied Palestinian territories and, by some, in Israel proper. Israel and its supporters deny the charges. In December 2019, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) determined that it has jurisdiction over the complaint the State of Palestine has filed against Israel for breaches of its obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) and would commence a review of the Palestinian complaint that Israel's policies in the West Bank amount to apartheid ...
  • Nasim AHMED: « Foreign Affairs magazine lays down the facts about Israel apartheid and Jewish supremacy » (Middle East Monitor, April 17, 2023): click here!
    The remarkable pace by which the term "apartheid" has moved from the margins of the Israeli-Palestinian debate to its centre was on powerful display this weekend. The prestigious American magazine, Foreign Affairs, widely considered one of most influential foreign policy magazines shaping Washington's thinking, added its weight behind the claim that Israel has imposed an apartheid regime that systematically discriminates against non-Jews. In an article titled "Israel's One-State Reality" authors Michael Barnett, Nathan Brown, Marc Lynch and Shibley Telhami, highlight the seismic shift that is underway in leading policy circles today.

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    Articles (latest first):
    • Mehdi BELMECHERI-ROZENTAL, « En Cisjordanie, l’apartheid israélien déstructure la vie des Palestiniens » (OrientXXI, 27 septembre, 2023): click here!
      S’il ne prend pas la même forme partout en Cisjordanie, le système de ségrégation spatiale et temporelle mis en place par Israël de l’autre côté de la Ligne verte permet d’assurer le maillage des territoires occupés au profit de l’armée israélienne et des colons. Avec ce régime d’apartheid, la population palestinienne, quant à elle, se voit reléguée au second rang sur ses propres terres.
    • Maarten ALBERS, « ‘Israël voert apartheidsregime op Westelijke Jordaanoever’, verklaart oud-chef van de Mossad » (De Morgen, 27 Sept, 2023): click here!
      Een voormalig directeur van de Israëlische inlichtingendienst Mossad, Tamir Pardo, vindt dat zijn land Palestijnen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever onderwerpt aan een apartheidssysteem. Hij noemt die uitspraak niet extreem. ‘Het is een feit,’ verklaart hij.
    • Jonathan SHAMIR, « German Czar Says Calling Israel 'Apartheid' Is Antisemitic » (Haaretz, August 7, 2023): click here!
      Klein was appointed as Germany's first ever Commissioner for Jewish Life and the Fight against Antisemitism in 2018, and has been one of the most prominent figures in the state-led battle to combat antisemitism in Europe.
    • Nancy MURRAY: « A tour through Palestine’s water apartheid » (Mondoweiss, July 23, 2023): click here!
      James Fergusson's book takes us through the hydropolitics of Israeli domination of Palestinian water resources, from the West Bank, to Gaza, to '48 Palestine.
    • Amjad IRAQI: « In Jenin, Israel is unveiling the next phase of apartheid » (+972, June 30, 2023): click here!
      Palestinians in West Bank cities are fast discovering that if their expulsion won’t be possible, Gazafication will be their future.
    • Orly NOY: « How Israeli apartheid spread from inside the Green Line to the West Bank » (+972, June 29, 2023): click here!
      A new report examines how, according to Adalah Legal Director Suhad Bishara, Israel is expanding Jewish territorial, spatial, and political supremacy.
    • Gideon LEVY: « An Apartment in Jerusalem’s Muslim Quarter Tells the Story of Israeli Apartheid » (Haaretz, June 16, 2023): click here!
      A 47-year struggle over an apartment in Jerusalem’s Muslim Quarter was due to end this week with the eviction of an older Palestinian couple. Red tape delayed that act, but the police continue to harass the couple.
    • Ramzy BAROUD: « Permanent Apartheid in Palestine: This is why Israel wants to reactivate E1 Plan » (Middle East Monitor, June 12, 2023): click here!
      The Israeli government is at it again, actively discussing the construction of thousands of illegal settlement units as part of a massive settlement expansion scheme known as E1. Though Israeli construction in the East Jerusalem area has supposedly been halted under international pressure, the Israeli government has found ways to keep the plan alive.
    • Zvi BAR'EL: « How Two Arab Children Exposed Israel's Fast-moving Apartheid » (Haaretz, May 31, 2023): click here!
      “Carmiel, a Jewish city, was designed to create a foundation for the Jewish settlement of Galilee. Opening a school for native Arabic speakers [as well as] money for bussing them at any time and place will change the demographic balance and harm the city’s character (which is 6 percent Arab),” said Yaniv Luzon, a magistrate’s court registrar in the Krayot outside Haifa, explaining why he was rejecting a November 2020 lawsuit filed by two Arab children living in Carmiel.
    • Michael SCHULZ: « Bil’in’s successful resistance campaign against the Israeli Wall » (Resistance Studies, May 30, 2023): click here!
      Palestinian villagers in Bil’in have successfully resisted Israeli plans to confiscate land for construction of their so-called ‘security barrier.’
    • Haaretz Editorial: « On the Road to Israeli Apartheid » (Haaretz, May 7, 2023): click here!
      The State of Israel has been torn to pieces and is being run by a dysfunctional government, but the settlement enterprise and the pillaging of Palestinian land is continuing apace, including the paving of apartheid roads.
    • Philip WEISS: "White House officials know Israel is an apartheid state, but they can’t say so" (Mondoweiss, April 26, 2023)): click here!
      Beltway scholar Mark Lynch says even the White House understands Israel practices apartheid, even if it won't say so publicly, because Palestinian intellectuals have led the way in shifting the foreign policy establishment..
    • "Palestinian Trade Unions’ Anti-Apartheid Call" Defend Democracy Press, April 23, 2023): click here! With list of 16 endorsing Palestinian trade unions.
    • « Israel has erected 'a formal, full-fledged apartheid regime' » (MEMo, February 27, 2023): click here!
      Israel has erected "a formal, full-fledged apartheid regime," the editorial of Haaretz newspaper said yesterday, in a stark warning about the direction of the occupation state. Drawing attention to measures introduced by the far-right government led by Benjamin Netanyahu, Haaretz's editorial said that they include the contentious decision to grant Israel's finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, control over the occupied West Bank.
    • Haaretz Editorial: « Israel's Cabinet Just Advanced Full-fledged Apartheid in the West Bank » (Haaretz, February 26, 2023): click here!
      Under the thunderous bombardment of the government coup, the cabinet last week advanced a regime-change measure in the West Bank that carries dramatic implications... Defense Minister Yoav Gallant signed an agreement assigning governmental powers in the West Bank to a body to be headed by the minister in his ministry, Bezalel Smotrich, and removing much of the jurisdiction of the Civil Administration from military command. Once the agreement is implemented, Smotrich will in effect become the governor of the West Bank, holding powers that will allow him to control nearly almost all areas of life there, including planning, building and infrastructure, which he intends to use to expand the settlement enterprise and stop all Palestinian development.
    • Meron RAPOPORT: "UN expert: ‘Apartheid is in front of your eyes everywhere you go’" (+972, February 6, 2023): click here!
      Francesca Albanese discusses the recent attacks against her, defining Israel's occupation as settler colonialism, and using international law to dismantle it.
    • Naeem JENAH: "De l’Afrique du Sud à Israël, les trois piliers de l’apartheid" (OrientXXI, 2 février, 2023): click here!
      Que ressent un Sud-Africain, ancien militant contre l’apartheid quand il se rend en Israël et dans les territoires palestiniens occupés ? Classification de la population, liberté du choix de lieu de résidence et de mouvement, importance de la sécurité : se fondant sur les trois moteurs centraux de la séparation, Na’eem Jeenah considère que l’apartheid israélien est pire que celui de l’Afrique du Sud.
    • Hagai EL-AD: “Liberal Israel’s Masquerade Ball: A More Cultured Apartheid” (Haaretz, January 30, 2023): click here!
      Since the election on November 1, Israel has been rapidly “removing its masks,” a process revealed in the coalition agreements before Benjamin Netanyahu's new government took over on December 29. In these agreements, the 2018 Basic Law on Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People is evident in extensive displays of Jewish supremacy wherever Israel rules between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.
    • “Adalah: New Israeli Government’s Policy Guidelines Indicate Officials’ Intent to Commit Crimes under Intl. Law” (Adalah, January 10, 2023): click here!
      In a new position paper, Adalah lays out how the guiding principles and coalition agreements of the new Israeli government intend to deepen Jewish supremacy and racial segregation as the underlying principles of the Israeli regime. The govt. initiatives and policies necessitate urgent intervention by international bodies, including by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and the reconstitution of the UN Special Committee against Apartheid.
    • “The humanitarian impact of 20 years of the Barrier - December 2022” (OCHA, fact sheet, Dec 30, 2022): click here!
    • Michael SFARD: “As Crimes of Apartheid Worsen, the West’s Exceptionalism Toward Israel Must End” (Haaretz, Dec 21, 2022): click here!
      Israel's new administration will be one that does not conceal its intention to preserve and further entrench the apartheid tyranny over the Palestinians, while fully cultivating Jewish supremacy as a political and legal credo.
    • Amira HASS: "Internal Documents Reveal Israeli Settlers' Dedication to Ousting ‘Arabs’ From West Bank" (Haaretz, Dec 12, 2022): click here!
      An internal Civil Administration document, in the form of a map and Excel spreadsheet, shows the close cooperation of state and settlers in dispossessing Palestinians.
    • Philip WEISS: "How it feels to visit an apartheid country" (Mondoweiss, Oct 14, 2022): click here!
      Racial profiling in Israel is rampant. Abuse and invective are normal. This is the daily machinery of separating Jews from Arabs and justifying it in traditional colonial terms.
    • Amira HASS: "When Terrorizing Is Intentional" (Haaretz, Oct 10, 2022): click here!
      The website of the Home Front Command says that an earthquake or a missile attack can cause a panic attack, fainting or even a heart attack. That is, even without being injured physically, fear and terror can have clear physical manifestations.
    • Ameer MAKHOUL: "Private militia and remote policing: Israel is ramping up repression of the Palestinians" (MEE, Oct 4, 2022): click here!
      Recent steps by Israeli authorities on both sides of the Green Line point to a coordinated divide-and-conquer strategy.
    • Bethan McKERNAN and Quique KIERSZENBAUM, "‘Every day is worse than the one before’: a Palestinian community fights for survival" (Guardian, Sept 28, 2022): click here!
      One of the biggest expulsion decisions since the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories began in 1967 has left an entire community at risk.
    • Haidar EID: "Time to end Apartheid Israel’s genocidal oppression of Gaza" (Mondoweiss, Sept 11, 2022): click here!
      Movements like BDS are the only force capable of counteracting the massive power imbalance between the Palestinians and their Israeli oppressors.
    • Ran GREENSTEIN, "What lessons can Palestinians really take from the struggle of Black South Africans?" (+972, Sept 11, 2022): click here!
      With comparisons growing between Israeli and South African apartheid, we must consider the different strategies adopted by both resistance movements.
    • Ran GREENSTEIN, "Apartheid of a special type" (Africa Is A Country, Sept 7, 2022): click here!
      The Israel/Palestine system meets the definition of apartheid in international law, but presents different challenges for the campaign against it than was the case for the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa.
    • "Al Mezan holds Israel responsible for the death of Gaza patient Mohammed al-Ledawi after being denied eight appointments at West Bank hospitals" (Al-Mezan, Sept 7, 2022): click here!
      The patient suffered from Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Despite having obtained a medical referral from the Palestinian Ministry of Health and secured appointments at the Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem and Patients Friends Society Al-Rahma Hospital in Nablus, Israeli authorities denied him the requisite exit permit to travel for eight different appointments, the last of which was scheduled for 28 August 2022. This delay led to a serious deterioration of al-Ledawi’s health condition and eventually to his death on Tuesday 6 September 2022.
    • "50 Palestinians thrown out of Israeli bus after 3 Jewish settlers refused to travel with non-Jews" (MEMo, August 10, 2022): click here!
      Dozens of Palestinians were thrown out of a bus in Tel Aviv after three Jewish passengers got on and refused to travel with non-Jews on board. The incident, which is the latest of many racist practices exposing the crime of apartheid committed by Israel, happened on Thursday last week on a number 288 bus, which travels from the Israeli capital to the Jewish-only illegal settlement in occupied West Bank.
    • David KATTENBURG, "‘Apartheid’ is not sufficient: an interview with UN Human Rights Commissioner Miloon Kothari" (Informed Comment, July 24, 2022): click here!
      UN Human Rights Commissioner Miloon Kothari explains why Apartheid is not enough to explain the root causes of the Palestinian crisis.
    • Juan COLE, "Is it Apartheid Yet? Israeli Supreme Court Allows stripping of Citizenship" (Informed Comment, July 24, 2022): click here!
      Al Jazeera reports that on Thursday, the Israeli Supreme Court issued a ruling permitting the state to strip citizenship from persons guilty of “undermining confidence in the state through actions such as terrorism, spying and treason.”
    • Omar AZIZ, "Israeli apartheid as viewed from the UN" (Mondoweiss, July 16, 2022): click here!
      Meet Francesca Albanese, the UN’s new Special Rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territory.
    • Sam SOKOL, "'Mr. President, This Is Apartheid': Anti-occupation NGO Welcomes Biden With West Bank Billboards" (Haaretz, July 13, 2022): click here!
      Just before President Biden landed in Israel, human rights group B’Tselem erected billboards in English, in a bid to draw attention to America's role in the Israeli occupation of the West Bank.
    • Hagai EL-AD (B'Tselem), "All Is Well, Everyone Is for Apartheid" (Haaretz, July 12, 2022): click here!
      One of the basic preconditions of the rule of law is equality under the law. The Judea and Samaria regulations, like many other com-ponents of the apartheid regime, are the complete opposite of equality under the law. Therefore, they are essentially part of the chaos, the moral anarchy, the disorder inherent in a regime that prefers one ethno-national group to another.
    • "The Parliament of Catalonia declares that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people" (Prou Complicitat amb Israel, June 16, 2022): click here!
      In a historical vote on Thursday, 16th of June, the Comission of Foreign Affairs, Transparency and Cooperation of the Catalan Parliament approved a resolution during parliamentary session declaring that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid.
    • Philip WEISS, "Writers in Israel’s leading paper decry ‘apartheid’ — as liberal Zionist leader calls it a distracting ‘label’" (Mondoweiss, June 14, 2022): click here!
      Liberal Zionists in the U.S. have helped enforce a red line in the mainstream discourse against using the term "apartheid" to describe Israel.
    • Michael Shaeffer OMER-MAN, "Want to dismantle Israeli apartheid? Start with this law’" (+972, June 8, 2022): click here!
      The crisis over an emergency regulation that applies separate legal systems in the West Bank illustrates the tangible ways apartheid can be undone.
    • Nasim AHMED, "'Israel is an apartheid state - legally, politically and morally', landmark conference concludes’" (MEMo, June 1, 2022): click here!
      Ex-Al Jazeera Chief, Wadah Khanfar, has blasted Western mainstream media over its failure to report honestly about the brutal reality of Israel's illegal occupation. Speaking at a landmark conference in London yesterday, alongside a panel of representatives from all the major human rights groups, Khanfar paid tribute to journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh...
    • Michel GEVERS, "Le boycott de l’Afrique du Sud: quelles leçons pour la lutte contre l’apartheid en Israël? " (Le Soir, le 7 mai, 2022): clicquez-ici!
      Le récent rapport d’Amnesty International (AI) accusant Israël de pratiquer l’apartheid a frappé l’opinion publique du monde entier. La raison en est que cette organisation de 10 millions de membres est connue pour son sérieux et sa prudence, et que ce rapport est le résultat de quatre années d’enquête. Outre AI, bien d’autres organisations ont dénoncé les crimes d’apartheid et de persécution de l’État d’Israël envers la population palestinienne...
    • Michael LYNK, "Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in OPT: Israel Has Imposed Upon Palestine an Apartheid Reality in a Post-apartheid World" (p.r. UN, The Question of Palestine, 25 March 2022): click here!
    • Edo KONRAD: "What keeps Jewish activists fighting Israeli apartheid" (+972, Dec 6, 2021): click here!
      A few weeks ago, my colleague Amjad Iraqi took to these pages to talk about the death of F.W. de Klerk, the last president of apartheid South Africa.
    • David KATTENBURG: "How Apartheid Israel stifles Palestinian education and scientific research" (Mondoweiss, Oct 8, 2021): click here!
      An educated citizenry and advanced scientific research capacity are key drivers of sovereign national development. No one knows this better than “Start-Up” Israel. According to one recent estimate, Israel has the third most educated population in the world (behind Canada and Japan). As for the five million Palestinians living under permanent belligerent Israeli rule and presumptive apartheid, Israel honors this truth in the breach — systematically impeding Palestinian access to education, and the ability of Palestinian scientists to carry out research.
    • « Israel-Palestine: it is Apartheid, » European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine (ECCP, Position Paper, Sept 2021, pdf, 6p.): click here!
      The EU and its Member States must acknowledge this fact and comply with their responsibilities. The term "apartheid", which first referred to the situation in South Africa at one period in its history, is an internationally defined legal concept, which has become independent from that historical situation. The International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (Apartheid Convention), which entered into force in 1976, defines apartheid as a crime against humanity consisting of “inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them.”
    • AURDIP, Déclaration sur l’élimination et la répression du crime d’apartheid en Palestine historique" (Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine - AURDIP, le 6 juillet 2021): click here!
      Plus de 900 universitaires, artistes et intellectuels de plus de 45 pays ont signé une déclaration appelant au démantèlement du régime d’apartheid mis en place sur le territoire de la Palestine historique et à l’établissement d’un arrangement constitutionnel démocratique qui accorde et mette en œuvre pour tous les habitants de ce pays des droits et des devoirs égaux, sans aucune discrimination fondée sur la race, l’origine ethnique, la religion ou le sexe. Parmi les signataires figurent de nombreuses personnalités éminentes.
      Liste des 1.106 signataires de la Déclaration (mise à jour : 6 août 2021): cliquez-ici! English version: "Declaration on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid in Historic Palestine": click here!
    • Lana TATOUR, "Why calling Israel an apartheid state is not enough" (Middle East Eye, January 18, 2021): click here!
      Report from B'Tselem highlighting Israel's apartheid character is a welcome development, but this finding cannot be divorced from the state's oppressive settler-colonialism.
    • Gideon LEVY, "Not ‘Apartheid in the West Bank.’ Apartheid" (Haaretz, January 17, 2021): click here! [ click here!]
      The rights group B’Tselem published a revolutionary position paper last week, crossing the Rubicon by saying that the Jewish supremacy regime exists not just in the occupied territories, where B’Tselem has been documenting crimes since the group’s founding, but in all the land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.
    • B'TSELEM: "A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid" (January 12, 2021): click here!
    • YESH DIN: "The Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and the Crime of Apartheid: Legal Opinion by Adv. Michael Sfard". YESH DIN Position paper (June 2020, pdf, 58p.): click here!
    • "Dozens of Spanish cities declare themselves 'Free of Israeli Apartheid'" (BNC, Sept 9, 2016): click here!
      Cadiz, provincial capital in the autonomous community of Andalusia in the Spanish state, has become the latest municipality to pass a motion supporting the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement for Palestinian rights and declaring itself an Israeli "Apartheid Free Zone".



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