Belgian Academics & Artists For Palestine


BACBI: Belgian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

List of Signatories of the Cultural Boycott Pledge:

Alphabetic list of 198 endorsers of the Palestinian campaign living and working in Belgium: actors and actricians, artists, composers, cultural workers, musicians, performers, photographers, writers,...

Contact for info : click here! (email address).

BACBI (Cultural): Statement of Principles.

We, artists, writers and cultural workers, support the Palestinian call for Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions (BDS).

We associate ourselves with our academic colleagues in joining the BACBI call for boycott of the Israeli State and solidarity with the Palestinian people.

With this campaign, we want to express our rejection of the Israeli government's policy of colonization and apartheid. Israeli cultural institutions are part and parcel of the ideological and institutional scaffolding of the Israeli regime of disenfranchisement of Palestine's native inhabitants.

With our call to support BDS, we take responsibility for aiming to bring an end - in a non-violent way - to a policy in which Israel's continuing and repeated violations of international law and human rights remain unpunished. We firmly oppose any form of discrimination and racism, including antisemitism.
1. As cultural workers, we refuse to take part in any form of cultural cooperation, collaboration or joint projects with Israeli cultural institutions.

2. We refuse to perform in Israel or to participate in cultural events (exhibitions, etc...) organised by official institutions in Israel. We do not, however, boycott individual Israeli artists even when they receive government subsidies for their productions or activities.

3. We boycott Israeli cultural institutions at the international level; we refuse to accept any form of financial support or subsidies from such institutions.

4. We want to set up a constructive dialogue with Israeli colleagues in order to get Israel to respect international rules of law, in the same spirit as the call for common resistance by the Palestinian artists and cultural institutions which launched the the BDS and PACBI initiatives.

5.We want to support Palestinian cultural institutions without imposing the condition that they operate in partnership with Israeli counterparts.
For implementation, BACBI will follow the guidelines issued by PACBI:

In order to endorse this campaign please click here!

For more info: click here!

Artists’ Pledge for Palestine We support the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality. In response to the call from Palestinian artists and cultural workers for a cultural boycott of Israel, we pledge to accept neither professional invitations to Israel, nor funding, from any institutions linked to its government until it complies with international law and universal principles of human rights.


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